Fun Facts
I am always reading. I used to be quite embarrassed about it but now I can be seen proudly parading my book of the week around. I also write poetry almost daily, a lot of which is formulated in my head and then later logged on paper if I am so lucky to remember my mental poem. I am passionate about all arts, such as visual and music, but I do know my talent is writing.
About Me
I am a senior at San Jose State University. My major is English Teaching Prep as I have always been passionate about the english language. After graduating, I hope to receive my teaching credentials at SJSU or UCLA. My goals as a teacher are to travel and spread my love for language around the world and also at home in California.
As a student, I have had hands-on experience with overseeing a kindergarten class in L.A.. The teacher who conducted the class was very helpful in allowing me to participate as a tutor. I felt it truly inspired me to want to teach.
As far as real-life experience, I am my families go-to person for any questions on grammar, spelling, punctuation. I am grateful to have been blessed with a mind that is enamored by language, and for this reason it has been very easy for me to learn and also teach.
My experience with teachers throughout my entire education has ranged from satisfactory to excellent. I remember being able to pick-out which of them actually seemed to care about us or which of them was there for their paycheck. It can be discouraging to be taught by someone you feel isn't inspired to motivate. I want to serve as a reminder that help is always around the corner and that with the right mentality something can always be learned.
Request Me NowSan Jose State University
English Teaching Prep
Spanish III Tutoring
SPAN 102B-Hispanic American Culture (B)
This class was taught entirely in Spanish. It is an advanced course in which students must speak, write, and read in Spanish. This course also brought me closer to my Mexican roots and made me more knowledgable in the history of Latin America.
MAS 130-Chicanoa/o American Society (B)
This course dealt with the implications immigration has on America. It was geared towards history and the monetary matters of Mexico immigration into America.
Writing Tutoring
ENG 1B-Composition 2 (B)
COMM 40-Argument and Advocacy (B)
ENG 56A-English Literature to 1800's (B)
ENG 68A-American Literature to 1865 (B)
ENG 71-Creative Writing (B)
ENG 56B-Engl Lit 1800 On (B)
ENG 68B-Am Lit 1865 On (B)
ENG 100W-Writing Workshop (B)
ENG 127-Contemporary Theatre (A)
LING 122-English World Language (B)
ENG 22-Fantasy/Science Fiction (B)
ENG 106-Editing for Writers (B)
ENG 123C-Global Literature Oceania (B)
ENG 125-European Literature (B)
ENG 130-Writing Fiction (B)
AP English Tutoring
-AP English Literature
-AP English Language & Composition
Arts Tutoring
-Life Drawing
-Motion Animation
-Minimal work with Adobe Photoshop/Lightroom
ESL Tutoring
My first language was Spanish and English is my passion.
Psychology Tutoring
-AP Psychology
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