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Fun Facts

I am an entrepreneur, working on a robotics startup. We will make a robot that will fold laundry automatically. I like playing guitar, singing in bathroom, and use humor as much as possible.

About Me

1. Topped the Calculus class in my entire university.
2. I know how to transfer knowledge in a simple and clear manner.
3. I can make the subject fun and engaging for a student to understand better.
4. I am a master of one (mathematics) rather than a jack of all (teaching all subjects). Which gives me more depth in a certain subject and is beneficial to the students.

5. ANDDDDD I believe in letting my work speak for me. Willing to give a free trial to serious clients


I have always been the kid who used to teach their classmates before the exam. Upon entering college, I was eager to begin working with students again, and volunteered my time teaching small children at the local Elementary schools. Working for Frog Tutoring gives me the opportunity to impact even more lives of students that need help!


I have been obsessed with the art of learning. I have spent thousands of hours trying to understand, how to learn effectively. As a tutor, I attempt to bring this attitude to all of my sessions. Instead of giving students answers, I feel it is my responsibility to not only teach them the content, but study skills that will help them be successful in all classes!

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University of Denver

Management Science

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College Algebra Tutoring

My degree is data science. It includes mathematics and statistics to find trends in data. One needs to be really good at both these subjects to opt for this degree

Math Tutoring

My degree is data science. It includes mathematics and statistics to find trends in data. One needs to be really good at both these subjects to opt for this degree

Pre Calculus Tutoring

My degree is data science. It includes mathematics and statistics to find trends in data. One needs to be really good at both these subjects to opt for this degree.

Study Skills Tutoring

My degree is data science. It includes mathematics and statistics to find trends in data. One needs to be really good at both these subjects to opt for this degree.

Trigonometry Tutoring

My degree is data science. It includes mathematics and statistics to find trends in data. One needs to be really good at both these subjects to opt for this degree.

Algebra Tutoring

My degree is data science. It includes mathematics and statistics to find trends in data. One needs to be really good at both these subjects to opt for this degree.

Algebra II Tutoring

My degree is data science. It includes mathematics and statistics to find trends in data. One needs to be really good at both these subjects to opt for this degree.

Geometry Tutoring

My degree is data science. It includes mathematics and statistics to find trends in data. One needs to be really good at both these subjects to opt for this degree.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

My degree is data science. It includes mathematics and statistics to find trends in data. One needs to be really good at both these subjects to opt for this degree.

SAT Math Tutoring

My degree is data science. It includes mathematics and statistics to find trends in data. One needs to be really good at both these subjects to opt for this degree.

Math Advance Tutoring

My degree is data science. It includes mathematics and statistics to find trends in data. One needs to be really good at both these subjects to opt for this degree.

Middle School Math Tutoring

My degree is data science. It includes mathematics and statistics to find trends in data. One needs to be really good at both these subjects to opt for this degree.

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