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Danielle D.
Reading, Writing & Social Studies Tutor 
CUNY--Hunter College

Fun Facts

I have lived and worked in 8 countries, and I love meeting new people. I'm a huge fan of yoga, working out and reading.

About Me

I am a senior Psychology student at CUNY SPS. I am currently Interning at a tech startup and am passionate about lifelong learning. I am an honors student and my ultimate dream is to be a Therapist to the rich and famous.


My mother is a reading-teacher, so she taught me a lot of what I know about tutoring children. Throughout high school I tutored elementary-aged children, and I'm an extremely patient person. I stay on-task and make learning as fun as possible.


Rather than enforcing rote rehearsal, I encourage children to draw their own connections and formulate a more broad way of thinking. With a B.A in Psychology and a concentration in Developmental Psychology, I consider your child's stage of development and ensure that my approach is well-suited to their point in development.

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CUNY--Hunter College


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Social Studies Tutoring

I am well versed in all social studies as a Psychology student.

Elementary Math Tutoring

Elementary math is very straightforward.

Biology Tutoring

Biology is a passion of mine, and I studied Honors Biology in high school.

Writing Tutoring

I am extremely proficient in Writing; in order to complete my degree I've needed to write countless essays and edit others' work. Additionally, I work as a marketing & sales strategist part-time and am an employed copywriter.

Spanish I Tutoring

With 7 years of Spanish classes under my belt and 2 months studying in Spain, I can assist your child in comprehending Spanish.

Psychology Tutoring

B.A. Psychology.

English Tutoring

Native speaker + years of training/studying.

Psychology Tutoring

I am about to work on my Final Capstone, but I have completed many advanced Psychology courses at CUNY. If you are struggling with various concepts, I can help put things into perspective for you and offer study tools that helped me throughout my process of degree completion.

Arts Tutoring

After studying at over 5 acting studios in NYC and concentrating on the arts in high school, you can rest assured I'm familiar with the performing arts & familiar with many modalities of artistic expression.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

My mother is a reading teacher professionally, and she's taught me many different skills to enhance your child's reading comprehension. With an individualized approach, I consider your child's developmental progress and preferred learning style in order to enhance internalization of material, and facilitate mental connections, to expand upon their existing mental framework through both fiction and nonfiction age-appropriate literature.

Science Tutoring

With a strong background in Psychology, I am a science nerd and stay very up-to-date with the latest studies and scientific progress. I can assist your child with Earth Science, Biology, and Natural Sciences and help them create mental frameworks and learn concepts rather than just recite facts.

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