Fun Facts
I love travelling and driving around places. I spent most of my life moving out to new places. I have visited Syria, Egypt, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, and Japan, so far!
About Me
I recently graduated from Widener University with a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration. I'm also a current Pharmacy student at Temple University. After graduating I plan to get involved in medical research either by working or enrolling in medical school. My ultimate goal is to become a scientist in the medical field and help improve the quality of healthcare.
Before I began professional tutoring, I used to tutor my friends and family members. I'm love sharing and communicating the knowledge I learned, especially, when it relates to medical subjects that I'm passionate about. Now, I have been tutoring Anatomy and Physiology and Organic Chemistry at Widener University for about 2 years and most of my clients were nursing students. Through Widener, I became a certified CRLA tutor.
Students tend to perform well on subjects they can relate to. Most of my nursing students would find anatomy and physiology an extremely difficult course because they couldn't see how necessary it is for them to learn extensive details about the human body. Part of my job as a tutor was to motivate them to study and appreciate the importance of the subject! I would create scenarios where they need the extensive knowledge of the subject to perform well in their careers as nurses.
Request Me NowGED Tutoring
I was not able to complete high school in Syria and was too old to go back to high school in the U.S; therefore, I decided to study for the GED exam. I took the exam and as a result I was able to start school at Widener university, without taking the SAT or the ACT.
Japanese Tutoring
I grew up in Japan and left the country when I was 16 year old.
I have learned every science and non-science subject along with Japanese without a translator or special help. My conversation and accent is native level fluency. Kanji knowledge is sub-high school level since I left before high school.
Microbiology Tutoring
I had to learn microbiology for the PCAT to get into pharmacy school, and in pharmacy school I received an A- in the subject. Microbiology in pharmacy school is much more extensive and is clinically based; hence the course is named, Principle of Infectious Diseases. I learned the subject by teaching my classmates and creating practice exams.
Organic Chemistry I Tutoring
I received an A in a 4-credits-Organic chemistry lecture and an A- in Lab. I was hired and assigned as an organic chemistry tutor for Widener university. I mainly tutored Chemical engineering and biochemistry students.
Organic Chemistry II Tutoring
I received an -A in a 4-credits-Organic chemistry lecture and a B+ in Lab. I was hired and assigned as an organic chemistry tutor for Widener university. I mainly tutored Chemical engineering and biochemistry students.
Anatomy Physiology I Tutoring
I received an A in Anatomy and Physiology II and the professor assigned me as a tutor for both A&P I & II. I held two major workshops for nursing students to give study tips and strategy to preform well in the course. A&P is the subject that I have the most passion and experience tutoring. I even taught the subject using real animal during open lab sessions. I tutored the subject one-on-one, in group of two, three and even in group of up to 7 students.
Anatomy Physiology II Tutoring
I received an A in Anatomy and Physiology II and the professor assigned me as a tutor for both A&P I & II. I held two major workshops for nursing students to give study tips and strategy to preform well in the course. A&P is the subject that I have the most passion and experience tutoring. I even taught the subject using real animal during open lab sessions. I tutored the subject one-on-one, in group of two, three and even in group of up to 7 students.
Arabic Tutoring
I'm originally from Syria and studied high school there. Arabic is my first language. I volunteered in culture centers in Japan and in the U.S, to teach non-speakers how to read Arabic properly.
Biochemistry Tutoring
I studied biochemistry for the PCAT and MCAT. Additionally,
I received a grade of B in a 4-credits-Medicinal Chemistry in Pharmacy school. The course is equivalent to Biochemistry in undergrads but more extensive and clinically based, as the school used the same biochemistry textbook.