Fun Facts
I am an avid history nerd and I LOVE visiting museums and learning all I can in my spare time. I also have been involved in the arts my whole life and studied theatre throughout middle and high school at an arts school. I have two middle names and two last names, giving me 5 names total. I also have lived in four US states and two countries!
About Me
I am currently a rising junior at New York University studying history and political science. After graduation, I plan to pursue a PhD in European History, with the ultimate goal of curating a museum or teaching history at the college level. I am from Denver, Colorado, but have lived all over the US. Last semester, I spent 4 months studying in Florence, Italy and traveling around Europe.
I have been doing childcare and babysitting for about 7 years, and for the past 4 years I have been working as a classroom assistant at my local performing arts center in Denver, teaching children from 5-13 about theatre, leading activities, and directing performances. Currently, I am facilitating the NYU High School Model United Nations Conference, EmpireMUNC, where I oversee research and the creation of guides to help the high school delegates. I have also participated in previous conferences.
I have always been commended for my organized approach to educating myself and helping others, and I believe that I have study skills that would be beneficial to others. I believe that the best method to learning and studying is to organize time effectively and make detailed study plans. I understand, however, that many learn differently, and so I believe in also cultivating unique study plans that suit each individual as I get to know their unique learning style.
Request Me NowNew York University
History Tutoring
I am a history major in college and have taken classes in Irish History, History of Immigration, US History, Italian History, European History, and others, receiving A's in all of the mentioned classes. I have also done independent research projects in a variety of subjects.
Psychology Tutoring
I have taken high-school level psychology classes, for which I received an A. I was also raised by two psychology professors, which gives me further background in the subject.
AP English Tutoring
I took AP English Language in high school, for which I received an A and a 5 on the AP exam. I have also taken a variety of other English classes in which I have always done very well. On top of this, I am an avid reader and have read many of the classics that appear in high school English classes both for class and on my own time.
AP History Tutoring
I am a history major in college and have taken classes in Irish History, History of Immigration, US History, Italian History, European History, and others, receiving A's in all of the mentioned classes. I have also taken AP US History, for which I received an A and a 5 on the AP exam.
Arts Tutoring
I attended an arts school for all of middle school and high school, where I studied theatre primarily, but also took classes in visual arts, vocal music, and creative writing. I have been involved in the arts for my entire life and have also taught theatre to students ages 5-13.
English Tutoring
I took AP English Language in high school, for which I received an A and a 5 on the AP exam. I have also taken a variety of other English classes in which I have always done very well. On top of this, I am an avid reader and have read many of the classics that appear in high school English classes both for class and on my own time.
Homework Coach Tutoring
I have always been a diligent and focused when it comes to homework and I believe that I can help keep other students focused while doing homework as well. I have strategies for completing homework in a timely manor while keeping myself from burning out, and I believe that I can pass these on.
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
I received a 35/36 on the Reading section of the ACT, which primarily has to do with comprehension. I have gotten an A in every English class that I have ever taken, and been an avid reader since I was a child. I believe that I can pass the skills that I have developed along.
Study Skills Tutoring
I have a meticulous study plan that has let to me getting an A on every test that I have taken in college as well as a 32 on the ACT and 4's and 5's on all of my AP exams. I am very good at crafting study plans that work well for me and for others and adjusting them as necessary.
Writing Tutoring
I have taken multiple creative writing classes throughout high school, and have also taken two semesters of writing at the college level, for which I received A's both semesters. As a history major, I regularly write academic papers. I also have often been asked to read through and edit papers for my friends.
Social Studies Tutoring
As a history and politics major, I have always been heavily interested in social studies. I have taken many history classes, along with cultural analysis classes and a psychology class in high school.
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