Fun Facts
I am really good at impressions but only if I hear what or who I am impersonating first. Afterward, I truly can't be stopped. I am an optimist but simultaneously a realist. In any situation I remind myself of all the positive outcomes that could ensue that are realistically at reach. Also, I just moved to Charlotte, NC about six months ago from New York and I have loved every moment of it.
About Me
I love to write but I am more passionate about the analytical research stage of the writing process compared to the act of writing itself. I am obsessed with literary criticism and there is nothing more that I love to do than to interpret a text and marry my interpretation with a theory that independently does not seem related at face value. Because of my hunger for analytical interpretation and theory, I was inspired to major in both English and Cinema and Screen Studies for my undergraduate career.
I am a graduate student at charlotte">UNC Charlotte studying English (specifically Technical and Professional Writing). Upon graduation, I hope to find a job as a technical writer followed by receiving a PhD in Rhetoric and Composition. My ultimate career goal is to teach English at the college level. Because of this ambition, I saw an opportunity to charlotte">tutor students in the charlotte">UNC Charlotte Writing Resource Center (WRC) in the Fall of 2013. That semester I took a class studying theory of charlotte">tutoring strategies as I simultaneously worked three hours a week in the WRC. The experience was enriching and I am excited to continue charlotte">tutoring.
My charlotte">tutoring approach is solely dependent on the tutee and their assignment or topic of study. For example, if the student speaks English as a second language and they need help with grammar and punctuation, I know to be more direct and in "teacher mode." Or if a student needs help brainstorming a topic or interpreting a text, I take an indirect approach and ask more questions than steer the client toward specific answers. Honestly, the major take-away I have gained from working in the WRC is learning how to intuitively interpret what charlotte">tutoring approach the individual student is need of and will benefit more from. Based on my interpretation, which has been established from research and experience, I apply practices and strategies I have learned in class and created myself off the cuff.