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Iman G.
Verified Tutor near Houston, TX 
The University of Houston
High School
Middle School

Fun Facts

My hobbies include learning new languages, traveling, and reading. I have traveled to several European and Middle Eastern counties including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, France, Belgium, Spain, and Italy. I love to cook, bake, and learn new recipes to add to my collection!

About Me

I obtained a Bachelor's degree from the University of Texas at Austin in December of 2012. My undergraduate degree is in Linguistics with a minor in Arabic Language and Literature. I obtained my degree with honors, graduating with a GPA of 3.76. I also studied French at UT. I am currently seeking a Master's degree in elementary education and teacher's certification. My GPA is currently a 4.0. After obtaining my graduate degree, I plan to teach in an elementary school.

I have mentored three college freshman. I helped them with the transition from high school to college, advising them on time management, weighing priorities, and how to succeed by using campus resources.
I have tutored a native French speaker in the English language by cultivating vocabulary and helping with pronunciation, dialect, and conversation.

I believe in drawing on the student's strengths. If they learn best through song, physical activities, or repetition that is the route we will go. Every student is exceptional in their own way and that is what characterizes them, not their weaknesses. Everyone is capable, they just need to embrace what works best for them and that is part of my job.

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