Fun Facts
I am fanatical about the BIONICLE universe. I stopped following the storyline in 2008 and have been meaning to pick it up again, but my brain is packed full of random facts about both the canonical characters and the physical models, served with a heaping side of nostalgia.
About Me
I graduated from William & Mary in May of 2019 with a BA in music and a minor in math. My favorite areas of study are musical theory, composition, and conducting, but I am also interested in number theory and physics; in time I hope to become a collegiate choir conductor. I love fantasy and science fiction (Tolkien is my personal favorite), board games, and all things nerdy. In September of 2020 Rachel and I are getting married and I could not possibly be any happier to start my life with her
I spent two summers working at a camp called Fun Bot Lab, where I taught elementary school children how to build their own LEGO robots; this summer I am employed at the camp The MusicianShip, where I direct a choir composed of at-risk children in DC as well as provide lessons in music history and theory. I was also the section leader of my high school choir and director of several musical ensembles in college, so I have a good deal of instructional experience from kindergarten through college.
In addition to my experience with teaching, I have also spent plenty of time as a student, but I have always found the most rewarding work and feedback in one-on-one settings, be they instrumental lessons, meetings with professors, or anything else of that nature. There is a great deal of merit in getting to know students individually to be able to teach them according to what they need and how they process information, and a great deal of fulfillment as well for both teacher and student.
Request Me NowCollege of William and Mary
Astronomy Tutoring
I took two semesters of astronomy in college and excelled at both of them - one I took pass/fail, but the other I finished with an A for the semester. I have a very good intuitive grasp of the underlying science and methods behind this field of study. Furthermore, and perhaps more importantly, I can't help but be captivated by the beauty and wonder of space, and as a tutor I will not be able to help but convey that excitement through my teaching style.
Calculus I Tutoring
I am first and foremost a musician, but mathematics has always been a very close second for me. I felt more confident going into and coming out of my AP Calculus BC exam than I did any of the others I took save music theory, and I have followed up this course in college with multivar and ordinary differential equations. The concepts of calculus come very naturally to me, and I am confident that I can convey them effectively.
Math Tutoring
I minored in mathematics during college and have loved and excelled in this field since middle school. I took several more classes than were required for the minor - I am probably the only person who can say that they took multivariable calculus just for fun - and am an amateur mathematician, with a particular interest in number theory. Mathematics is a very important part of my life, and I would love the opportunity to share its beauty with others.
Music Theory Tutoring
Of all classes I have ever taken, I have always excelled peerlessly in music theory. I grasp the concepts immediately and deeply, and have plenty of experience as a composer putting them into practice. I hold immense love and respect for the elegant beauty of Western tonal theory, and I would be nothing short of ecstatic if I had a chance to share that with a student in an instructional setting.
Pre Calculus Tutoring
I minored in mathematics during college and have loved and excelled in this field since middle school. I took several more classes than were required for the minor - I am probably the only person who can say that they took multivariable calculus just for fun - and am an amateur mathematician, with a particular interest in number theory. Mathematics is a very important part of my life, and I would love the opportunity to share its beauty with others.
Trigonometry Tutoring
I minored in mathematics during college and have loved and excelled in this field since middle school. I took several more classes than were required for the minor - I am probably the only person who can say that they took multivariable calculus just for fun - and am an amateur mathematician, with a particular interest in number theory. Mathematics is a very important part of my life, and I would love the opportunity to share its beauty with others.
Algebra Tutoring
I minored in mathematics during college and have loved and excelled in this field since middle school. I took several more classes than were required for the minor - I am probably the only person who can say that they took multivariable calculus just for fun - and am an amateur mathematician, with a particular interest in number theory; I also have a good deal of intuitive skill with high school algebra concepts. Mathematics is a very important part of my life, and I would love the opportunity to share its beauty with others.
Algebra II Tutoring
I minored in mathematics during college and have loved and excelled in this field since middle school. I took several more classes than were required for the minor - I am probably the only person who can say that they took multivariable calculus just for fun - and am an amateur mathematician, with a particular interest in number theory; I also have a good deal of intuitive skill with high school algebra concepts. Mathematics is a very important part of my life, and I would love the opportunity to share its beauty with others.
AP English Tutoring
I am very good at identifying overarching themes and connections within any work of literature, and I love to pose challenging questions to make people think deeper about the material at hand; I also have a natural skill for writing essays, and have dabbled in recreational writing. I scored a 740 on the reading section of my SAT and a 790 on my writing section, and I would love the opportunity to help others grow in appreciation of literature and writing.
AP History Tutoring
I am very innately good at identifying overarching themes and connections across history, and I love to pose challenging questions to make people think deeper about the material at hand; I also have a natural skill for writing essays, and have scored at least a 4 on each of the 10 AP tests I took in high school. I would love the opportunity to help others grow in appreciation of literature and writing.
AP Physics Tutoring
I am first and foremost a musician, but that aside I have always held a deep love for STEM fields of any kind. In particular I dreamed of being a theoretical physicist throughout most of high school (and still, occasionally, to this day); I took the highest level physics classes I could throughout high school (including the inaugural year for AP Physics 2) and always excelled at it. I would love the opportunity to share my knowledge and passion with others.
Calculus Tutoring
I am first and foremost a musician, but mathematics has always been a very close second for me. I felt more confident going into and coming out of my AP Calculus BC exam than I did any of the others I took save music theory, and I have followed up this course in college with multivar and ordinary differential equations. The concepts of calculus come very naturally to me, and I am confident that I can convey them effectively.
Calculus AP Tutoring
I am first and foremost a musician, but mathematics has always been a very close second for me. I felt more confident going into and coming out of my AP Calculus BC exam than I did any of the others I took save music theory, and I have followed up this course in college with multivar and ordinary differential equations. The concepts of calculus come very naturally to me, and I am confident that I can convey them effectively.
English Tutoring
I am very good at identifying overarching themes and connections within any work of literature, and I love to pose challenging questions to make people think deeper about the material at hand; I also have a natural skill for writing essays, and have dabbled in recreational writing. I scored a 740 on the reading section of my SAT and a 790 on my writing section, and I would love the opportunity to help others grow in appreciation of literature and writing.
Geography Tutoring
I am very innately good at identifying overarching themes and connections across history, and I love to pose challenging questions to make people think deeper about the material at hand; I also have a natural penchant for physical and political geography, and have scored at least a 4 on each of the 10 AP tests I took in high school. I would love the opportunity to help others grow in appreciation of literature and writing.
Geometry Tutoring
I minored in mathematics during college and have loved and excelled in this field since middle school. I took several more classes than were required for the minor - I am probably the only person who can say that they took multivariable calculus just for fun - and am an amateur mathematician, with a particular interest in number theory. Mathematics is a very important part of my life, and I would love the opportunity to share its beauty with others.
Government Tutoring
I am very innately good at identifying overarching themes and connections across history, and I love to pose challenging questions to make people think deeper about the material at hand; I also have a natural skill for writing essays, and have scored at least a 4 on each of the 10 AP tests I took in high school. I would love the opportunity to help others grow in appreciation of literature and writing.
History Tutoring
I am very innately good at identifying overarching themes and connections across history, and I love to pose challenging questions to make people think deeper about the material at hand; I also have a natural skill for writing essays, and have scored at least a 4 on each of the 10 AP tests I took in high school. I would love the opportunity to help others grow in appreciation of literature and writing.
Homework Coach Tutoring
For as long as I can remember I have always excelled academically in all areas. I have certainly had my favorites along the way, but I am very comfortable in any sort of academic setting and have a great deal of knowledge regarding strategies for studying and test-taking. I would love the opportunity to share this knowledge with other students however they most need it.
Latin Tutoring
I took courses in Latin throughout high school and college, including the Latin SAT, and have always excelled at them. I have a good understanding of the linguistic framework of the language, and appreciation for its elegance and simplicity. I would love the opportunity to share my years of experience with others.
Math Advance Tutoring
I minored in mathematics during college and have loved and excelled in this field since middle school. I took several more classes than were required for the minor - I am probably the only person who can say that they took multivariable calculus just for fun - and am an amateur mathematician, with a particular interest in number theory. Mathematics is a very important part of my life, and I would love the opportunity to share its beauty with others.
Physics Tutoring
I am first and foremost a musician, but that aside I have always held a deep love for STEM fields of any kind. In particular I dreamed of being a theoretical physicist throughout most of high school (and still, occasionally, to this day); I took the highest level physics classes I could throughout high school (including the inaugural year for AP Physics 2) and always excelled at it. I would love the opportunity to share my knowledge and passion with others.
Pre Algebra Tutoring
I minored in mathematics during college and have loved and excelled in this field since middle school. I took several more classes than were required for the minor - I am probably the only person who can say that they took multivariable calculus just for fun - and am an amateur mathematician, with a particular interest in number theory. Mathematics is a very important part of my life, and I would love the opportunity to share its beauty with others.
SAT Math Tutoring
For as long as I can remember I have always excelled academically in all areas. I have certainly had my favorites along the way, but I am very comfortable in any sort of academic setting and have a great deal of knowledge regarding strategies for studying and test-taking, to include a score of 800 on the math section of my SAT. I would love the opportunity to share this knowledge with other students however they most need it.
SAT Verbal/Writing Tutoring
For as long as I can remember I have always excelled academically in all areas. I have certainly had my favorites along the way, but I am very comfortable in any sort of academic setting and have a great deal of knowledge regarding strategies for studying and test-taking, to include scores of 740 and 790 on the reading and writing sections of my SAT, respectively. I would love the opportunity to share this knowledge with other students however they most need it.
Science Tutoring
I am first and foremost a musician, but that aside I have always held a deep love for STEM fields of any kind. I have excelled at all science courses of any kind that I have ever taken, from elementary school through college, and have a naturally good grasp of the concepts and methods behind it. I would love the opportunity to share my knowledge and passion with others.
Writing Tutoring
I am very good at identifying overarching themes and connections within any work of literature, and I love to pose challenging questions to make people think deeper about the material at hand; I also have a natural skill for writing essays, and have dabbled in recreational writing. I scored a 740 on the reading section of my SAT and a 790 on my writing section, and I would love the opportunity to help others grow in appreciation of literature and writing.
Biology Tutoring
I am first and foremost a musician, but that aside I have always held a deep love for STEM fields of any kind. I have excelled at all science courses of any kind that I have ever taken, from elementary school through college, and have a naturally good grasp of the concepts and methods behind it. I would love the opportunity to share my knowledge and passion with others.
Middle School Math Tutoring
I minored in mathematics during college and have loved and excelled in this field since middle school. I took several more classes than were required for the minor - I am probably the only person who can say that they took multivariable calculus just for fun - and am an amateur mathematician, with a particular interest in number theory. Mathematics is a very important part of my life, and I would love the opportunity to share its beauty with others.
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
I am very good at identifying overarching themes and connections within any work of literature, and I love to pose challenging questions to make people think deeper about the material at hand; I also have a natural skill for writing essays, and have dabbled in recreational writing. I scored a 740 on the reading section of my SAT and a 790 on my writing section, and I would love the opportunity to help others grow in appreciation of literature and writing.
Study Skills Tutoring
For as long as I can remember I have always excelled academically in all areas. I have certainly had my favorites along the way, but I am very comfortable in any sort of academic setting and have a great deal of knowledge regarding strategies for studying and test-taking. I would love the opportunity to share this knowledge with other students however they most need it.
Elementary Math Tutoring
I minored in mathematics during college and have loved and excelled in this field since middle school. I took several more classes than were required for the minor - I am probably the only person who can say that they took multivariable calculus just for fun - and am an amateur mathematician, with a particular interest in number theory. Mathematics is a very important part of my life, and I would love the opportunity to share its beauty with others.
Social Studies Tutoring
For as long as I can remember I have always excelled academically in all areas. I have certainly had my favorites along the way, but I am very comfortable in any sort of academic setting and have a great deal of knowledge regarding strategies for studying and test-taking. I would love the opportunity to share this knowledge with other students however they most need it.
ACT English Tutoring
For as long as I can remember I have always excelled academically in all areas. I have certainly had my favorites along the way, but I am very comfortable in any sort of academic setting and have a great deal of knowledge regarding strategies for studying and test-taking. I would love the opportunity to share this knowledge with other students however they most need it.
ACT Math Tutoring
For as long as I can remember I have always excelled academically in all areas. I have certainly had my favorites along the way, but I am very comfortable in any sort of academic setting and have a great deal of knowledge regarding strategies for studying and test-taking. I would love the opportunity to share this knowledge with other students however they most need it.
ACT Reading Tutoring
For as long as I can remember I have always excelled academically in all areas. I have certainly had my favorites along the way, but I am very comfortable in any sort of academic setting and have a great deal of knowledge regarding strategies for studying and test-taking. I would love the opportunity to share this knowledge with other students however they most need it.
ACT Science Tutoring
For as long as I can remember I have always excelled academically in all areas. I have certainly had my favorites along the way, but I am very comfortable in any sort of academic setting and have a great deal of knowledge regarding strategies for studying and test-taking. I would love the opportunity to share this knowledge with other students however they most need it.
SOL Tutoring
For as long as I can remember I have always excelled academically in all areas. I have certainly had my favorites along the way, but I am very comfortable in any sort of academic setting and have a great deal of knowledge regarding strategies for studying and test-taking. I would love the opportunity to share this knowledge with other students however they most need it.
Composition Tutoring
I have been composing original music for more than five years; my specialty is choral music, but I have also produced works for piano and for small and large instrumental ensembles. Additionally, I have an incredibly solid music theory foundation that has been the basis for my development as an artist. My dream job is to be a composer, and I would love nothing more than the opportunity to share that passion with somebody who is trying to break into that same beautiful world.
Ear Training Tutoring
I have been a trained singer for eight years and a pianist for two, and have a solid foundation in music theory, so I have a phenomenal sense of relative pitch (though not perfect pitch, unfortunately). I am also acquainted with the historical development of the equal temperament tuning system, and would be happy to share that with students if they are interested. I have a very broad and well-honed background in many areas of music, and would love the opportunity to share this with others.
General Music Tutoring
Of all my interests academic or otherwise, music has been at the forefront for my entire life. I have a BA in music from the College of William & Mary, and have taken and excelled at courses there in music theory, history, composition, conducting, and ethnomusicology. I have a wealth of knowledge and experience, and I would love nothing more than the chance to share that with others.
Guitar Tutoring
I have been playing guitar consistently for eight years, and have a very good grasp of both chordal and melodic playing, thanks to my strong background in music theory. I also have experience teaching guitar lessons in a one-on-one setting. My musical background is as deep as it is diverse, and I would love the opportunity to use my expertise to share with others the beauty that I have always found in music.
Music History Tutoring
Of all my interests academic or otherwise, music has been at the forefront for my entire life. I have a BA in music from the College of William & Mary, and have taken and excelled at courses there in music theory, history, composition, conducting, and ethnomusicology. I have a wealth of knowledge and experience, and I would love nothing more than the chance to share that with others.
Music Theory Tutoring
Of all classes I have ever taken, I have always excelled peerlessly in music theory. I grasp the concepts immediately and deeply, and have plenty of experience as a composer putting them into practice. I hold immense love and respect for the elegant beauty of Western tonal theory, and I would be nothing short of ecstatic if I had a chance to share that with a student in an instructional setting.
Voice (Music) Tutoring
I am a skilled musician in several areas, but voice is my main instrument and has been for nine years. I am very well acquainted with proper technique and repertoire, and have many years of experience with both solo and ensemble singing; I also work at a summer camp where I am in charge of teaching these concepts to elementary school children and directing them in a choral setting. I have a wealth of knowledge and experience that I would love to share with others.
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