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Elizabeth E.
Masters Student skilled in raising grades 
Covenant College
Test Prep

Fun Facts

I love reading and writing and spending time outdoors.

About Me

I am a Masters student, with an Undergraduate degree in Architecture. I have a years experience in the field and open to see what the future holds for my career.


I am a Graduate student, with an Undergraduate degree in Architecture, I have always had the best scores in Mathematics and AP Mathematics in Highschool.I also freelance as a writer of short stories and I and very good at English. I would love to help with problems in English and Math


I have tutored my younger family members mostly all their lives, helping them understand complex subjects. I really like interacting and watching the progress of students. I enjoy helping people makes sense of things, Helping breakdown seemingly difficult problems into concepts that are easy to understand, I enjoy helping see things in a clearer way. Finding an easier, simpler way to learn.

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Covenant College

Bsc. Architecture

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Masters in Architecture


New Jersey Institute of Technology

Masters in Architecture

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AutoCAD Tutoring

Studied Architecture in Undergrad from 2012-2016. Achieved a BSc in Architecture
Over a year plus working experience in Architecture firms.
Had a TA position at my college for a year
Currently a Graduate student of architecture. Completing a Masters in August.

Study Skills Tutoring

Teaching kids and also being a student myself, I have found ways to balance subjects and I have created a very effective study schedule that helps me in school very much.

English Tutoring

) I have taken English from my high school days, I participated in English competitions, debates etc.

2) I also freelance as a writer of short stories.

Homework Coach Tutoring

As the first child of 4 and living with a large number of relatives all my life, I have experience with coaching kids on assignments and using simple concepts to explain complicated English or math problems.

Math Tutoring

I have always had the best scores in Mathematics and AP Mathematics in Highschool.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

My Toefl scores show my good reading comprehension

Writing Tutoring

My Toefl scores show my good writing abilities and I also freelance as a writer.

TOEFL Tutoring

I have taken the Test before and had a very solid score. I am very good at vocabulary and I freelance as a writer of short stories.

Adobe Illustrator Tutoring

Over a year plus working experience in Architecture firms.
I majorly use Illustrator to prepare all my drawings for projects.

Revit Tutoring

1) Through my undergrad and grad program, I have used various software. With Revit, I have used it in school projects for both 2D and 3D Visualizations
2) I have used Revit also during my internships and I am very versed with the software.

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