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Leticia U.
Experienced Spanish Teacher 
San Diego State University
Middle School
Elementary School
Language Lessons

Fun Facts

A passion I have is dancing. My husband and I are always the first ones on the dance floor. I enjoy going on nature walks with my family and dogs. When I am alone, I love to write poetry sipping my hot coffee. Coffee shops and book stores are a fun place for me to hang out to get some inspiration.

About Me

I have a Master's in Latin American Literature, and am a Spanish Instructor. I have been teaching for 18 years onsite, online, and done private tutoring. I have taught in San Diego State, University, University of California, San Diego, Southwestern College, National University and other colleges as a Spanish Adjunct.


I enjoy teaching Spanish. I have taught over 145 Spanish classes in my 18 years of teaching in several universities in California. Most of my Spanish teaching has been teaching lower division Spanish: Spanish 1, 2, 3 and Conversational Spanish. I have also published poetry and short stories.


As a Spanish Instructor, I mostly have followed a communicative approach, but I have learned to follow eclectic style of teaching to accommodate the students needs. As a tutor, I will ask the student questions concerning their learning skills to help the student meet their goal to success!

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San Diego State University

Latin American Literature

San Diego State University

Latin American Literature


California State University--Bakersfield


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