Fun Facts
I LOVE the arts! I have been in choir, dance, art classes, band, I even got into interior design and fashion for a little bit.My whole life i had to do something artsy. I usually do have a pencil and paper on had, sing to myself, or am taping my foot because the arts are so important in my option. I'm the eldest child of 2, and i'm the first generation American. Born in Dallas TX (born and raised in TX) I have lived in 5 city's and all of them were totally different types of environments.
About Me
In 20 years old i'm trying to go back to School to get my degree In mathematics. I was tutoring kids in my Math and Spanish class sense High school. I have also have help my little brother as well who is in Elementary school. My goal in life is to teach high school mathematics and sponsor as well as support as many business, academic, and Arts programs as I can.
In high school i was a NHS, NSHSS, NAHS, NTHS member. I worked really hard to keep throws up in high school with school, as well as out side academics that taught me time management. I was tutoring kids in my Math and Spanish class sense High school. I have also have help my little brother as well who is in Elementary school.
I'm dyslexic, I struggled in school and found learning to be difficult and demeaning. But math always seemed to come easy to me and I enjoyed it. In middle school and high school, I was fortunate enough to have teachers who, showed me how amazing learning was. Through them and there positivity, engaging, and belief in me inside and outside of the school inspired me. As a tutor, i wanna inspire my students that no matter what its ok to frustrated but lets talk about why you are, give them tools.
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