Fun Facts
One of my favorite things to do is exercise. You will find me at the Pilates studio with friends or running by the beach on the weekend. I feel blessed to live in LA and have all these options to be physically active and not stuck in a typical gym all the time..
About Me
I am an attorney who loved law school but not practicing law. I did enjoy being a law school tutor at the University of San Diego School of Law! I graduated with highest honors from the University of Texas and was on the Dean's list every semester to earn my Psychology degree. I still work on litigation matters with a set schedule, so I can spend more time engaging with students and making complicated subjects easy to understand.
After placing in the top of my class my first year in law school I was given the opportunity to tutor first years. I also attended San Diego State University as a graduate student, where I was unexpectedly assigned a freshman class to teach when I was only 23. It was totally a surprise, but I loved teaching students close in age and got to have office hours and assist one on one. More recently, I have been given the opportunity to help tutor for SAT verbal prep and math for school age youths.
I feel a lot of educational problems are really a matter of learning discipline in time spent attempting assignments and being confident. Struggling with a subject in no way makes a person "dumb," so it is my goal to just be positive, patient and explain things in a way that will click for each student.
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