Fun Facts
I enjoy writing poetry and realistic fiction stories on my free time. I also like playing soccer when given the opportunity. I love to go white water rafting. However, I have not been since high school where I went whitewater rafting on the Colorado River. When I am not in school or doing homework I am playing with my two year old son. He is the apple of my eye and my motivation to be successful.
About Me
I am currently a Senior English Lit honors major at Lehman College. When I graduate I will continue my studies at Lehman to earn my Masters. My goal and long time dream is to become an English high school teacher. In my beginning year of high school I was almost kicked out of school but I received a second chance. With that second chance I made a complete turn around and many doors were open to me. With the right support a student can go beyond what they thought they were capable of. As I received support in high school, I will now like to be the support for future students.
I have tutored 5th-9th graders at the Sports Foundation for a year. I moved on to work in an afterschool program with Mount Hope. There I provided homework assistance and also created lesson plans. I have been bronx">tutoring my brother and sister since they were young. My brother is now in high school and my sister is well on her way. bronx">Tutoring my siblings has allowed me to always have school subjects’ material fresh in my mind.
I do not believe every student can learn. I believe every student does learn and I will help them learn better. Everyone has a different learning style and it is important to show students these different learning styles. I learn by writing things down and going over the information. Others may learn from visuals, hands on or listening to the instructor. There isn’t only one way in reaching an answer. I provide the learning method that a student can best understand. Each student deserves individual attention but this is hard to do in a classroom filled with twenty other students. As a bronx">tutor I will provide the individual attention a student needs.