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Vincent W.
Verified Tutor near Albuquerque, NM 
University of New Mexico
Elementary School

Fun Facts

I'm a vegetarian who grew up in a household practically devoid of meat. I had it pretty tough, although such a childhood has prepared me for giving up meat munching cold turkey. I've recently taken up serious casual recycling and slow distance-running as hobbies/obsessions. But my true passion is creative writing, though the world won't be too far behind you in finding that out!

About Me

I'm a college sophomore at the University of New Mexico majoring in English. My GPA is a 4.17 as of the end of the Fall 2013 semester. My plans after graduating are to go on to Graduate school and eventually get a Ph.D in English. Whether this last goal comes to fruition or not, I plan on teaching as a career. I've worked with kids before (at a summer camp), and have a variety of volunteering experience. I graduated in the top 10% of my high school class and consider myself to be an excellent writer and student.

Casual albuquerque">tutoring in high school. I've peer edited several underclassmen, both in high school and college.

Treat the person being tutored as a person, rather than as strictly a student. I try to discern exactly what kind of specialized help a specific student needs and then take appropriate steps to get them to their goals. Without engaging their individual needs, albuquerque">tutoring can never work, in my opinion. I view the learning process as something necessarily malleable and so am able to address the root issue not only of the subject but of studying in general. I feel it's most important to teach students how to fish, rather than just giving them the immediate method to simply solve the problem before them.

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