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David G.
Experienced Math and Spanish tutor. 
Georgia State University
Elementary School

Fun Facts

I really enjoy playing soccer and learning new things. In college I played club soccer and volunteered locally.

About Me

I am a Data/ Finance Manager and I attended Georgia State University. I graduated in the top of my class with a 4.0 GPA and four honors distinctions. For my masters, I will be attending Harvard or Stanford to complete my Masters in Big Data Science.


During my undergraduate experience I had the opportunity to tutor college algebra through multivariate calculus and also tutored Spanish.


My approach to tutoring is teaching an individual how to learn. Most people try to approach teaching by showing someone how to get an answer or giving the answer. If you can show someone how to approach learning, by showing every step that gets to an answer, you enable and equip that individual with techniques that can be applied to different aspects of life and they will achieve success! I used this methodology in college which allowed me to achieve a lot of success.

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Georgia State University

Actuarial Science

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