Reviews Miami, FL
good tutor
Dana is very knwoedgable, especially with anatomy. I was a earning around an 80-84 percent(C) in my medical program exams. With Dana's assistance and vast knowledge in this subject I have passed a written exam AND a practical with a 92(A)!!! Dana positively encourages/challenges her students to be the best they can be. I would highly recommend Dana to anyone who needs a good understanding with anatomy.
Excellent tutor! He is very knowledgeable of the content! Our son has improved his grades since he started with Mr. Lopez!
Zoe is amazing and my daughter loves her. She is a perfect fit for our incoming 9th grader. Looking forward to many more sessions!
I absolutely love Zoe and her approach to teaching/ tutoring. She makes it easy for the children to catch on and learn the new concepts. Her personality is very bubbly and welcoming. She is great. So happy to have found her, it is such a blessing for my children and for me.
Presents material in multiple ways and teaches deep understanding of underlying principles.
Ivan was patient with my son, and reviewed with him the Algebra concepts he was working on until he was sure he understood them.
My child enjoys meeting with his tutor to understand the subject of Geometry. They are more confident to tackle this challenging session on their own while also introducing additional tools which can prove useful when learning alone. Our student is much more independent in completing both their coursework and homework.
Erik is currently tutoring my son on Algebra II Honors. He takes his time and explains the concepts and works with him on a few examples to ensure that he has a thorough understanding of the topic before proceeding to the next topic. We will continue to use Erik services.
I understood my ap chemistry way better!
Eugene has been working with my son to help him better understand concepts in Pre-Calculus and Microeconomics. He is very knowledgeable and flexible in his approach to breaking down these concepts and helping my son see them from different perspectives. We’re very grateful for his patience and insight.
Positive, caring and a joy to work with.
A big thank you to my tutor Jeff. He is very patient, understanding, professional and a good motivator. He makes good jokes to make you feel relaxed. Jeff is genuinely concerned and always gave feedback after each tutor session. He did not give up on me when I had to switch from Algebra to Geometry. Thanks Jeff for all your help.
Jerry is an amazing tutor with a lot of experience in accounting. I am currently taking a class for my MBA program that requires the CAPSIM/CAPSTONE simulation and Jerry has all the knowledge needed to help, not only with the subject but with the simulation platform itself. I also don't have any background in finance so he is very patient , also very clear and easy to understand. I am very lucky to have found a professional like Jerry to guide me in this grad school class. Thank you !! Maria
Amanda M. is great. She is really patient with my son.
{not commented yet} I wanted to quick jot down these little not not about Victoria. She has been very helpful, wonderful teacher, very professional. This application is a tough one for me that's the reason I request for the tutor, but Victoria brought me some confidence that I can do it. Thank you guys for this wonderful person.
Ian is very fortunate to have a tutor like Caitlyn. She is great at math and I would highly recommend her for other Algebra students. I appreciate her and feel fortunate that my son Ian has her as a tutor
First session went well.
Stanley was very knowledgeable in all aspects that I needed. Was very patient with me and took his time explaining and finding different ways of teach the materials to me when I didn’t understand. He was always on time, overall I was pleased with my session.
Raychel Feldman was such a great tutor. I was very apprehensive about hiring a tutor for my daughter but could not be more pleased with my decision. She was very knowledgeable, encouraging, punctual, patient, professional, I mean, I kick myself for not doing this sooner. If all your tutors are like Raychel you are in luck, she is a tremendous asset. My daughter seemed more confident before her test and thanks to Raychel I saw her implementing studying skills I had never seen her do before. Now we are waiting for the test results but I still wanted to voice my opinion because regardless of the outcome Raychel made a difference in my daughter's skills. Thank you!