Reviews Portland, OR
Victoria has been great!
Nicky is very organized. He takes copies of the work and comes prepared to the following session. Nicky is proficient in physics and precalculus.
{not commented yet} Judy worked great with my son Sterling. Unfortunately, right after I purchased a "package", I discovered Judy would no longer be able to tutor Sterling as she was taking another job. Too bad for us.
Judy is exactly what one would look for in a Algebra II tutor. She knows the material as one who has mastered the subject matter. She goes the extra mile in presenting plans for upcoming sessions as well as extra work for the week. We are happy we chose Judy as an Algebra II tutor.
Sara is very knowledgeable in the subjects I need assistance with.
Alex Read is great!
Lilian is a wonderful tutor, I would highly recommend her. Our house is now a much less stressful place at homework time! Thank you Lilian!
Conor was wonderful. He was so patient with our son, always willing to find new ways to present information until he found just the right way for our son to genuinely understand. He was timely and reliable. He also consistently connected with our son's teachers, completing the circle of support between the three of us. We genuinely appreciated his help and are excited for his next journey's after graduation.
Maram is a very intelligent woman who knows her math. My daughter says that she is also very resourceful and always trys ways to make her understand and shows her options in solving problems. When the time was up and they still had some problems left unsolved, Maram made sure she gets it done and explained the by step solution so she knew the process.
Robin was great and very honest in his assessment of our son. We contracted him to tutor organization and homework/test prep skills. Robin thought our son was fine and didn't really need the help in this area.
Li made sure to keep control of the sessions by asking me not to stay in the room when JaKayla was crying. I appreciated that. Within the hour, JaKayla warmed up to Li and was having a great time. When he came to our home, JaKayla ran up to give him a hug. He even played chess with her while teaching her Chinese. He has kept it fun and she says that she is learning. Looking forward to see how much she grows over the month.
Very happy with William
Elizabeth Grace was a great help to my daughter. Very knowledgeable in math.
Very knowledgeable and pleasant
Very knowledgeable and pleasant
Quentin has been fantastic and we'll be booking again soon.
Quentin has been fantastic
Ben is great with our son Ethan!
Marina has been a great asset and mentor to my 16 yr old son. She is calm and knowledgeable even when my son isn't in the mood to learn. She is systematic in her tutoring and each time we leave a session, my son is happy that he went. I would recommended Marina whole heartedly.