Reviews Portland, OR
My daughter has enjoyed having Marina as her tutor. We are completely happy and satisfied with the sessions we have booked. My daughters reading skills are improving each week. We plan to continue using Marina for the entire summer.
Elizabeth was great, very patient! {not commented yet}
He is trying really hard with Dretti. It is very confusing material but Dretti likes him and he is very patient. I am hoping 5 is good. Doesn't mention 1-5 which is highest!
Breanna is very helpful for my son. She asked him questions to get to know him so she has her own way to teach him. My son seems enjoy to sit down studying with her. Thank you for your help.
Breanna is nice and helpful to my son. She tries to work around with him. She asked question and guide him to have technique to help him. Thanks Breanna.
Lowell is a very kind, fun tutor with lots of knowledge.
Quintin did a great job helping my daughter learn math concepts. He's patient, supportive, and even though he only met with her a few times I do think she benefited greatly by the experience.
My daughter said Elizabeth was very helpful with Algebra 2. She left with a much better understanding of the concepts and how to practice them.
Great tutor.
Our first session with Kimberly went great! She was a big help to our daughter and helped her obtain a B on her chapter test after having failed the previous two chapter quizzes. Looking forward to continued sessions!
Preston is a great fit for my son. Preston has a well rounded portfolio of tutoring offerings that is very helpful. We are focusing on Spanish, geometry, and writing. Preston is helping my son to develop study skills, identifying learning and organization tools, completing assignments, and overall building confidence in his abilities. Preston is actively outreaching to teachers for input and feedback and is collaborating with us to get on track.
Quintin is a great fit for my son. The sessions have been very helpful and restored his confidence in learning Spanish.
Erica, is extremely knowledgeable about A&P ( anatomy and physiology). Erica is very patience and understanding when I have a question. When she does not know the answer she will research the information until she has the right answer. I am enjoying working with her. It has been many many years since, I have been in college and she has a great deal of patience with me. Erica is great!
Maryna has been helping my son review math so that he is better prepared to start 9th grade. She has also helped him with his summer reading project due when school begins. Maryna asks good questions encouraging deeper thinking. I am impressed with her patience and positive approach. Her guidance and knowledge is helping my son feel more confident in these subject areas.
Colleen definitely knows her stuff. She was able to present material in a variety of ways to really help me learn. I am sad to see our sessions come to an end.
Colleen has been great!
{not commented yet} mollie is an excellent tutor, she zeroed in on our sons areas of need within the first session. She always makes it fun and obviously loves teaching.
Thank you very much to Ben as my son's tutor. He is really helpful by explaining and guiding Erik for his writting assigment which he is struggle with. Ben explains patiently and clearly how Erik needs to put all the writing pieces together for his writing project. I hope with Ben's help Erik will improve his writing quickly so his grade will be better at school. Thanks again for you help Ben. Thanks, Katie
Richard was an awesome tutor. He knew the subject matter thoroughly and presented the material in a calm, easy to understand manner. He was on time, professional, responsive to emails, and was able to accommodate some of our crazy schedule changes. I highly recommend him.
Mollie knows the material well(Pre-Calc)so there is no wasted time getting familiar with the content. She communicates well with our daughter and the extra help has made a quick improvement in her grade.