Reviews Portland, OR
Mollie was always on time. She arrived with a friendly and helpful attitude. An incredibly knowledgeable person who helped me pass my College Algebra class. Thank you, Troy K.
Mollie has been great! Our son went from getting D's in math to achieving B's after Mollie's help prior to tests.
Mollie is extremely knowledgeable. She always answers questions accurately and is an extremely helpful teacher. She is patient and thorough in her work. We would recommend her to any struggling student. Her schedule is very lenient as well. Thank you for your all your time, Mollie!
Mollie has done a great job motivating our son. She breaks larger assignments down into manageable pieces for a 13 yr old. Keeps sessions fun and keeps him engaged.
Saraga is a very impressive young woman with a lovely personality. She is dependable and hard working. My daughter enjoys preparing for her act test with Saraga.
{not commented yet}Molly has been really great for Kian and flexible. Thank you Molly!!!
Mollie has met with Emma twice and seems to be helping Emma a lot with her organizational skills. She has developed a calendar for planning Emma's homework time, and has also helped with her math. Emma likes Mollie a lot. It's a little too soon to see any major improvement in Emma's grades (most of her low grades were due to missing homework which she has been turning in piecemeal), but we're confident that with Mollie's help Emma will be able to raise her final grades significantly.
Mollie is a knowledgeable and friendly tutor, she is excellent at helping me build confidence with my academic skills.
{not commented yet}Karl has been really great for Kian. He is prompt and gets right to the point. My son is very grateful and has gained much confidence in a very short amount of time. Thank you Karl.
Alex has been a tremendous help to our daughter. They have really connected. This helps our daughter not get frustrated during homework sessions and makes it easier for her to focus on understanding the math problems and concepts. We are thrilled to have her part of our learning community.
Nick knows his math extremely well and is a great teacher. A++++++++
I understand him better than I do my teacher. He is very knowledgeable about the subjects.
Matt Klemsz is a great tutor. He's easy to talk to which is great for tutoring and any questions I have on homework he is a great help and helps me learn the material. He has given me great advice on how too shorten my steps in math problems too make it easier too understand and so that it is less complicated.