Reviews Fort Worth, TX
The girls felt she helped and I could see the excitement in Sarah's eyes...she felt so good about the session, she did keep working on missing work! This is exactly the outcome we hoped for!
Reviewed the material ahead of time so that he was able to help me better understand the material
Ashli and Lauren seem to be working well together. Ashli worked with Lauren 2 days reviewing. I have asked her to help Lauren with specific pages in her math packet this next week. Nell Brown
Melissa is very knowledgeable about the subject for which we sought support (biology) as well as math. She has worked to understand my daughter and her study style, and has suggested several study techniques I think will be effective for her. Additionally, Melissa is kind and has been accommodating, and we appreciate the opportunity to work with her.
Bre has helped me so much through out the past weeks. She has made algebra more clear and has made learning fun. Her teachings carry over to my algebra class because I can help explain the new things to my fellow students that Bre has taught me.
He's probably the most patient person we've ever met. My son really has learned alot from him!
I think Nyjah is the best tutor we've had from Frog. She is engaging, personable and wonderfully knowledgeable, and our son is very responsive to her style of teaching. Her patience, sweet disposition and enthusiasm coupled with her broad knowledge of the subject matter is priceless! Nyjah is preparing my son for a CBE in a subject he hated and which he did not pass, but she has done an amazing job of keeping him engaged and interested. I have no doubt he will be able to pass his CBE in the next few weeks.
Emily is an excellent tutor. She has worked very hard with my daughter. She always come prepared to her session. We are going to miss her!
BJ is knowledgeable and easy to work with
Knew subject very well. He just spoke a little fast for me, but other than that helped me learned and understand biology
Veronica has gone above and beyond for my tutoring. She has provided me with so much knowledge, her old books, study materials, and even helped me outside our session.
Madison Loved working with Sam, She felt that she learned a ton, even in the first session!
Bailey was superup in working with our 12 year old daughter. Our daughter was studding for the SSAT test for entrance into All Saints Episcopal School. She scored in the top 5% of all kids that took the test and was awarded the Saints Scholar Scholarship!! I have no doubt that Bailey's efforts had a HUGE part in our daughter's success on her test. I cannot thank you enough and would HIGHLY recommend her to anyone. Cheers, Denise
Samantha is a perfect fit for Natalie. She is knowledgeable, insightful , and kind. She quickly picked up what the issues were with Natalie's learning style and helped guide her in a non-patronizing way. We're so excited to continue woth her!
{not commented yet}Highly recommend!! Excellent tutor! Very knowledgeable regarding the subject matter.
Lauren is so sweet and positive, my son said she explained how to work on a math problem and when he didn't understand it she went back and explained it in a way he understood.
Tracie has been a great asset for my daughter. Tracie is well prepared and is able to deliver the information to my daughter clearly. She is determined that my daughter has a great understanding over the subject discussed and that she has addressed everything needed. Tracie is very accommodating and very prepared. My daughter enjoys working with Tracie.
Ms. Stokka worked great with our son Jacob. She was very patient and knowledgeable. Thank you Rona Cantu
Emily was an awesome tutor she really help me and was really patient with me also. If I need help with the next session I will be calling her back. Terri
Alexander Menke is an amazing tutor and makes learning chemistry fun. He explains hard concepts with ease and is very patient. Alexander does an amazing job of continuously discussing a concept until it clicks. He is an amazing tutor and would recommend to anybody!