Reviews Fort Worth, TX
Alexander Menke is an amazing tutor and makes learning chemistry fun. He explains hard concepts with ease and is very patient. Alexander does an amazing job of continuously discussing a concept until it clicks. He is an amazing tutor and would recommend to anybody!
April is very knowledgable of the subject matter and presents it in a way that is easy for me to understand. She clarifies things I have been learning in class and helps me get the big picture.
He explains the material super well and seems confident in the material
Collin is easy to work with and understands material very well. I work well with her and she knows how to study and guide me through my courses.
Helped so much... Material is much more clear.
Pete has been very patient with my son and he has even tutored him for subjects which we had not discussed. He looked over my son's online course work and took it upon himself to make sure that he completed all of the requirements. Greatly appreciated his initiative to do this "extra".
Great Calc tutor, I wouldn't have passed without his help! I would definitely recommend him.
LOVED Karen!! She made all the concepts seem easy and really helped me understand the problems!!
Great approach, very successful!
Ezhan is timely, courteous, professional, knowledgeable and conscientious. Our 16 year old daughter has always struggled in math, and algebra II is difficult for her. She has never been tutored consistently before but he is making such a difference! He is able to explain the concepts so that she can understand and remember them. I hope you pay Ezhan well, Frog Tutoring, because he deserves it!
Ezhan is timely, courteous, professional, knowledgeable and conscientious. Our 16 year old daughter has always struggled in math, and algebra II is difficult for her. She has never been tutored consistently before but he is making such a difference! He is able to explain the concepts so that she can understand and remember them. I hope you pay Ezhan well, Frog Tutoring, because he deserves it!
Hector is doing a wonderful job! Extremely smart as well as polite!!
Courtney is fabulous. She is calm and patient with Kate and we will miss her.
Bre is a wonderful tutor. She has been a tremendous help and great with describing and teaching concepts where Madeleine understands. Would highly recommend Bre to anyone seeking an Algebra tutor.
Luke is very helpful in explaining the general concepts as well as explaining the little details. Tutored in Calc and is very good at teaching.
Alexis really appreciated the way Zach taught & presented the material.
She was great! She really explained the concepts well and helped me pass AP Chemistry.
Javier has a very relaxed manner and and seemed totally at ease tutoring my granddaughter in High School Physics. She said he did a good job explaining the material so that she could understand it, and she has a much better understanding of the subject than she did before. She started working with Javier mid-course and we have seen a marked improvement in her grades and plan to continue with Javier for the second semester. Sandy Nelson
He's very helpful and funny :-)