Reviews Fort Worth, TX
{not commented yet} Parker Fleming is a very good tutor in knowledge and way of teaching.
Tony was a great Chemistry tutor. He helped me a lot.
Kelsey is very organized and well prepared
Courtney, is very knowledgeable with pre-algebra she has helped my daughter understand the math problems. She is always professional and kind.
Incredibly helpful, knows what he's talking about and is very good at breaking down concepts to help me better understand them as a whole
Parker is wonderful, one of my best experiences with a tutor.
Although we just started using Javier right before the final, Javier was awesome. He helped fill in the blanks with Geometry that helped Olivia raise her grade significantly. As I've stated before, the true test of a tutor who works well for us is not just being knowledgeable, but one who is a good fit for my daughter as well and who she feels comfortable enough to ask important questions. Javier made it very easy for her to do that and she was able to catch on very quickly. I look forward to working with Javier next semester as needed!
We have had several tutors and in my opinion they have all been very knowledgeable. The true test is how comfortable Olivia feels with them and how well she learns from them. If I hear her asking questions, then I know its a good fit. Tyler is wonderful and teaches in a way that Olivia is able to understand and truly benefit. She feels very comfortable with him and doesn't feel judged, which lets her open up and ask the questions that help her understand the material. I look forward to working Tyler in the future.
Bobby clearly presented the information in a way that forced to think about it in a way that helped me learn it and retain it. He was extremely knowledgable and helped me immensely!
My daughter really enjoyed Courtney and she said she helped her understand the concepts better.
Fabulous young lady, extremely knowledgeable and great educator.{not commented yet}
Extremely knowledgeable and great educator.{not commented yet}
Good tutor but would sometimes show up late or not at all without any notice
SO helpful! Really knew the material really well!
He explained the material really well and gave my group members a clear understand of our assignment.
Tyler has done a great job. He is very knowledgeable on the subject matter, and has really helped to increase confidence of my high school student.
Courtney is excellent and takes her time explaining the material as well as making sure my daughter understands the concepts before moving on to the next topic.
{not commented yet} We are highly impressed with Erica. Her work with our daughter has already made a difference in her chemistry and geometry grades. We're also delighted that our daughter loves her! She looks forward to her tutoring sessions.
Tyler has been helping my daughter with chemistry. Just after their first meeting she commented that she now understands her concepts so much better. He is punctual and has a positive attitude - he always comes into our home with a smile. He is wonderful to work with.
Sarah is punctual, pleasant, and patient. My son needed some help with writing essays and she was able to work with him to come up with a strategy for writing essays on tests. Thanks!