great tutor
willing to help and went over foundation so I could get a better understanding of material
Lorenzo is learning his classes very well with Matt! It's also building his confidence in handling the classes as he is pursuing a Bachelor's degree with Matt's support. He is so happy, it means a lot to him, & to our family that he is feeling good about reaching his goals. Thank you, Matt and Stacey!!!
{not commented yet} I wanted to quick jot down these little not not about Victoria. She has been very helpful, wonderful teacher, very professional. This application is a tough one for me that's the reason I request for the tutor, but Victoria brought me some confidence that I can do it. Thank you guys for this wonderful person.
Tali is a perfect fit she is getting my son on track already.
Brittany was an amazing tutor. She helped me fully understand A&P 1 and I was so grateful to have such a smart, amazing tutor. She was flexible with my tough work/school schedule and made sure I was always taken care of. I'm lucky to have found such a knowledgeable tutor and also a tutor in the healthcare field like me. I recommend her 100% and I will continue to use Brittany as my tutor until I'm finished with nursing school!
Andy May is my math tutor. He is good at going in depth and exploring topics at more than the base level. He can also integrate multiple topics into one lesson. It is very time efficient.
Laura is an amazing Spanish tutor, and she always brings a great energy into all her sessions. I had started taking an online Spanish course, and I was struggling a lot. Laura not only helped me to do well in the course but made the experience so much more fun! She is very patient and a positive motivator.
Great tutor! Very thorough and good with content. Knows SPSS well.
For the twelfth tutoring session, Brittany was very calm and patient. We started off reviewing the female reproductive system. Then we reviewed the urinary system to help me prepare for my upcoming lecture exam.
Laura is an excellent tutor. She takes her time and makes sure you fully understand the lessons.
She is awesome!! My 13yr old son with Dsylexia...who by the way hate school.....told me after only 2 sessions with her informed me that he enjoyed his session!!!!! I wanted to cry!!! I will continue to keep her until I leave this earth(joke) but it made my heart cry! I hope this continues to make him want to’s hard when you come from a child who love school(my 20yr old)to a child who hates school( my 13yr old) so that spoke volumes to me! It’s so worth it!!!
I would not hesitate to hire Taylor in the future. My daughter was extremely glad I hired him to help her in a very difficult expedited geometry course this summer.She probably would have learnt nothing had he not helped her.Both my daughters are in accelerated programs and I am relieved to know there is someone so nice and educated to be able to help my kids if needed, in these trying times with online classes. Most importantly he seems to have a great connection with his student.
I love Ms.Stepp she has helped me a lot and she has mad math easier for me and she's very understanding
Alisha is very sweet and knowledgeable. She provided a great tutoring session on a very short notice. She didn't mind of a time difference and continued to teach until my daughter completely understood the subject. We are very happy to have Alisha as our tutor.
My tutor is very patient during the time we tutor and gives very good explantations to explain the material that is being taught to me. After all of my tutoring sessions I feel that I have accomplished my assignments and feel that much more comfortable with ASL. Every time I meet with my tutor I feel more and more confident about this ASL language. My tutor is understanding my work ethic and where my strengths and weaknesses are more and more every time we meet. This is good because it will then help me be able to succeed in this course and in this ASL language in general. Olivia is the best. Happy I am able to work with her.
Todd is an excellent tutor who helped Naliza quite a bit. He was very patient with her and made the sessions fun as well as instructive.
Very helpful tutoring session
Richard really knows his stuff. He is super friendly, and he never makes me feel dumb for not knowing an answer or getting confused. He explains everything really well, and it is very obvious he loves teaching. He is an excellent tutor.