Corinna is a very knowledgeable and warm person. She has made learning French and absolute joy. She is a sharp listener and reader and will point out where you have gone wrong and set you on the right path.
Mark was very knowledgeable in helping my daughter with a last minute AP Computer Science project. He really explained everything so she could understand. We will definitely use him again in the future.
Sylvester has done a great job preparing my teen for reading comprehension and writing tests. His confidence and skills have improved exponentially since working with Sylvester. I'm really glad we were matched with him.
Organized engaging focused. Really wonderful!
Paul is not only knowledgeable about the subjects he teaches but also diligent and passionate about teaching as a profession.
he is a good teacher, but he is not consistent.
Sometimes speaks a little too fast for math, but she is so knowledgeable about finance in real estate. She is kind, personable, and full of energy. She is eager to teach and help. I definitely recommend her.
Marthe helped my son pass the ISTEP 10 English test this past winter. She was very knowledgeable and patient with him. She was understanding and flexible with the schedule as other stuff came up. We are getting ready to use her for Calculus this time. I would highly recommend her.
Marthe was wonderful! She was attentive to my struggles and helped me better prepare for my assignments and exams. Marthe is very knowledgeable in both chemistry and physics, and I continue to use our notes to this day. She is very friendly and was considerate of the common stresses of high school. I would definitely recommend Marthe as a tutor!
Very kind and accommodating, always willing to explain and very nice about initial misunderstandings.
Highly recommend , he was available in a short time and was able to catch up with my material in python within seconds. Asked questions and he responded in a way I understand and can use in the future. Great teacher!
Great tutor. His energy was great helped get me excited about finishing my class strong and gave me more confidence. Extremely intelligent and explained everything in great detail. HIGHLY recommended.
She was great and made math a lot easier for Caroline and explained it very clearly. Love love her. Best tutor we have ever had!
Elise is awesome! She is very good about finding helpful ways to remember the difficult topics. She knows the topics so well and explains in ways that are easy to understand. She has helped me so much and is always so flexible and willing to help me whenever she can. I definitely would not be doing as well in my course without her help!
Amazing results!
I really like the way she teaches! I passed my series 7 and now I will Hire her again for my series 63.
Paul is very knowledgable in thermal fluid dynamics and always has a lesson plan ready prior to sessions.
{not commented yet}Very articulate and resourceful. Has the right approach to my material.
Amanda has tutored our daughter through graduating remotely from 8th grade, through the summer with online algebra prep classes, and now freshman at high school. She is patient and has helped our daughter with all subjects. We appreciate her tutoring very much and highly recommend.
I learned a lot from my last session, the tutor was very helpful and I enjoyed the tutoring session