Davisha was very knowledgeable and presented the problems in a way that my son was able to understand and learn from.
Kaileen was a great tutor and was able to answer all of my questions.
I LOVED my session with Brittany! She was extremely helpful and I look forward to working with her!
Taylor Harris is such an awesome tutor !! He is very patient and polite he will go over assignments with you until you completely understand . He tutored my son and because of his dedication and consistency my son has graduated from college .
I understand the content much better learning from him than I did with my calculus professor :D
Loved meeting Brittany today! She was very helpful. I look forward to meeting with her again.
I was so impressed with Goddess Ryckeley! My son is not easy to work with and she did great. She really focused on what he needed to learn to try and get a better grade on the ASVAB. She kept me posted on all of his progress, and what he needed to work on, and informed me of the lesson plan every session. I was wanting my son to score a 50 on the ASVAB, while he just missed it at a 49 he did go up 16 points from the last test and that is really great! I will absolutely use her again if needed for either of my children.
My Tutor doesn't give the answer to a problem directly rather use my thought process to make me understand the concept to get to the correct answer. i'm able to understand the concepts and I feel more confident to take AP exam. From Vignesh
Izzy was well versed in chemistry. She made the information easy to understand and learned my learning style quickly, this allowed her to help me in a way that I was successful. She helped me for the entire duration of the course and I finished with a high score. She used tools for our sessions that I was able to go back and review and that also made things easier for me.
From the first visit, working with Jessica has been a great success. Jessica has helped my daughter understand the important concepts and methods needed in her AP Calculus class in a way she did not before and ensured that she was able to get the homework completed and submitted on time. My daughter has been exhilarated by how well she is understanding the content now and how well she is able to complete her homework. It has been so delightful to see!
Very helpful! Thank you!
Riana is an incredibly knowledgable tutor and presents the content well. It's very impressive. She has never once made me feel like I was asking a stupid question. Overall, however, she has some timing issues. There were times that I would make my plans around my tutoring time that I had made a week in advance, only for her to cancel it the day of our appointment. There were times where she was no-show as well. In the end, I got too frustrated to deal with it, and stopped tutoring altogether. My grade suffered because of this and I ended up doing terribly in the class, despite starting off well when we were meeting consistently.
I thoroughly enjoy working with Tania. She keeps be engaged in the sometimes challenging process of acquiring a new language and is always fun to work with. She knowledgeable, accomodating, flexible and a great teacher!
Amanda M. is great. She is really patient with my son.
Extremely knowledgeable and well-organized. Very easy to work with. Makes my daughter feel comfortable and confident with the material.
Never attended. Was not a philosophy student or scholar
Shantel was truly God sent! I could not have gotten through my course without her help. She is so flexible and makes the actual work fun. I can't compliment her enough. THANK YOU!!!
She was a great tutor. Very knowledgeable and easy to work with. She was flexible with meeting times and worked around my schedule. She also presented the info really well to help me succeed in my class.
Kaileen Zhang is a very sweet person and a great tutor. When she helps with my homework she explains how to do the problems in a way in which I can comprehend. Also, whatever I present to her she always knows how to solve it; it is clear that she is very knowledgeable about Math.
Kaileen was helpful communicative and instructive. In our two sessions we covered a number of problem areas for me and she helped guide me through, giving me a clearer sense of both what I accomplished and what I need to continue to work on. I would definitely recommend booking with her!