fun & enthusiastic, works well with my son
Elise is very patient with repeating explanations for the material. She is very understanding and communicates very well on her availability.
Goddess was wonderful! She helped me understand concepts and made sure I retained the information. I’m very pleased with all that I’ve learned during my sessions!
Erica is everything one could wish for in a tutor! She comes in with a plan of action, is willing and able to make adjustments, and essentially is capable of fully running the show! I have the utmost confidence in her ability to take on any task. She challenges my sons, while also understanding their unique strengths and areas of opportunity. She is truly an educator, and is outstanding at all aspects of education - including educating her less-than techno-savvy parents! ;)
Jessica has been the most helpful throughout my tutoring sessions. I struggled with some basic grade school knowledge that i haven't did in a while, and i was not feeling confident on my upcoming test. During multiple tutoring sessions, she helped me re-learn and understand math and arithmetic as well as showed me new and fast ways to figure out an answer to a problem. I am beyond grateful for her help and would recommend Jessica for any new tutor. You rock Jessica! - Caleb Trent
Lida was great, highly recommend her to anyone wanting an in depth explanation of hard concepts!
The best tutor I've found on Frog Tutoring! I needed some extra help with electrical engineering classes for my college class. He presents the information in a way that makes it way easier to understand. What my teacher will take a week to explain, this tutor can explain it in an hour and you will ACTUALLY understand it this time. He's very patient while working through challenging homework questions and is really helpful when reviewing for tests as well. This tutoring really brought my grade up in the class that I was struggling with and I understand the material much better now. Great experience!
Riana is extremely helpful and is very thorough in her explanations. She was able to explain the concepts of my class to me and also assist me in working through the problems that were provided in my class.
So far Liza has been amazing with the boys. Jaydon is actually happy about completing his ELA work tonight. Thank you.
Awesome guy, super chill, Knows his stuff, can't go wrong with this guy!
my kid enjoyed the session
very good
Goddess Ryckeley, is an amazing tutor. She helped me prepare and pass my Colorado Real Estate Exam. She was extremely knowledgeable and had the Colorado Real Estate materials that were far more helpful than my own course materials. I couldn’t have been more pleased with the outcome.
So far Ms. Bartholomew is great. My son doesn't like school, but he enjoys their weekly tutoring sessions and this is a "BIG" plus for me.
She is so smart!! I find Taylor very easy to talk to and ask questions. I also realized, that like me, she is also a black belt in Taekwondo. I hope to work with her again!!{not commented yet}
She is very nice and knows what she is doing. She also makes these subjects more interesting. I was so surprised when our hour and a half was over so quickly
Very good at presenting information and helping with any content that is asked. She was very flexible and never had any problems. She could teach me the content if it were unclear. Overall, best tutor I have had!
Very good at presenting information and helping with any content that is asked. She was very flexible and never had any problems. She could teach me the content if it were unclear. Overall, best tutor I have had!
Mecca is extremely well versed in the subject of physics and does an amazing job of explaining it in a helpful fashion which one can easily understand!!
Elaine has been very helpful and kind. I would recommend her to anyone needing a tutor.