Tracie was an exceptional tutor! She explained each function in a way that I understood and was very patient as I was learning. It was rare but when there was something we were both struggling to understand Tracie made sure to find a solution to the problem. She was knowledgeable and I trusted her completely! I passed my college class with an A+ and I owe most of that to the help and knowledge of Tracie. She is a gem and I would highly recommend her to anyone! Thank you.
At the beginning of the semester, I was struggling in chemistry and knew that I needed help. That's when I came to frog tutoring and I got paired with Stanely. With his help, he brought up my grade a significant amount. He has helped me understand the content that my professor was teaching me as well. He has a vast knowledge of the subject and can explain topics in easier terms to understand. I look forward to working with him again!
The kids loved her approach of teaching.
Very good tutor, was very flexible with my schedule and was very helpful!
Erik is currently tutoring my son on Algebra II Honors. He takes his time and explains the concepts and works with him on a few examples to ensure that he has a thorough understanding of the topic before proceeding to the next topic. We will continue to use Erik services.
Bimala is an excellent tutor. She is passionate about accounting and explains in a manner that is easy to understand and apply to real world concepts. Highly recommend!
Helped me out so much with understanding the material.
He was very helpful and taught me easier ways to solve the problems.
Warren is a great pre-calculus tutor. Patient and made the subject easy to understand. Good communication, always on time and. I ended up with 90 in my pre calc class.
My daughter enjoyed her tutoring session with Kendra and she can’t wait for her next session with her next week. Great tutor and very kind.
Presentation of content could be better if the session was not online but still very helpful.
Davisha has been a wonderful tutor for my daughter. She is always on time, prepared, patient, and uses every bit of the hour session, even going over time in order to finish a problem or explain a concept. She is flexible, understanding, and easy to communicate with. My daughter has gained more confidence in math and is performing better in school!
He does a great job of demonstrating how and why reactions occur and guides you to the right answer as opposed to telling you outright which allows for deeper understanding of the material. If you need help in Organic Chemistry, he's the guy!
Ivan is game-changing. I truly appreciate his ability to walk me through the theory of the concepts, execute the steps logically and have patience in doing so.
Ms Karen is a great tutor. She has been a great help.
Ali is on-the-ball, ready to help whenever my daughter needs her! She explains things well and helps my daughter with test taking skills too. The best thing is that Ali keeps her on-task! She is extremely knowledgeable, and just a lovely person.
My Junior daughter is getting great help from Erik. He explains precalc so well to her, with analogies and good tips to understand concepts. She finds him really funny and looks forward to her sessions. Plus her grades are going up thanks to Erik's help :)
very knowledgeable and helped me a ton