Extremely knowledgeable. Able to break down complex concepts into simple explanations for me to understand.
Very friendly and patient
Ms. Yogananda is very help full. she is working well with my daughter. i believe she will really help my daughter make a difference this year. So far it is great working with her. she is able to works with our crazy schedule.
Explains concepts completely, including the reasoning behind them.
Mary has been extremely encouraging to our learner and her approach is well received.
Riana Green is the best tutor ever, she is so knowledgeable and creative and puts in so many hours to make sure you know the content. Highly recommend!!!!
He was very knowledgeable and helpful to me with my Finance class.
excellect tutor very knowledgeable on calculus course
My kid loves her and things are going well.
very helpful
This first session was very informative, I am satisfied with the content so far
very knowledgeable and helpful
Ms. Kim has been wonderful in making an individualized strategy to help our daughter succeed. She looks forward to mornings with Ms. Kim!
I really like that my tutor is very knowledgeable about the lSAT. He won me over when he introduced his own curriculum for passing the LSAT. To me that means that he is truly dedicated to seeing me pass. Thank you Oleg
Mrs Bartholomew has taught me good methods for reading and how to navigate questions in a articulate and quick way, she takes her time and brings up useful ways to find grammar errors and answering questions in reading comprehension. I highly recommend!
She is good for lower grade but not a good fit for 8th graders.
Lorelei has done with my 11 year old son via Zoom. My son, Bobby Seelinger, used Lorelei both in the summer of 2020 and now the summer of 2021 which has enabled him to skip a grade of math each school year. Bobby is entering fifth grade and he will be taking math with seventh graders! I am so proud. Lorelei does a great job explaining the rules and why the rules apply and best of all, Bobby enjoys his sessions. Last year when Bobby was in 4th grade taking math with 5th graders, his 4th grade teacher told me that Bobby understands math so well that he is able to help her teach the kids who need more help. I cannot say enough about Lorelei. She is a true asset.
I understood a lot of things, Mrs. Sabbi helped me improve in my math and helped me get prepared for what will be on the SAT. She also thoroughly explained the questions that I had. I highly recommend!
I am so happy that Camille is tutoring my daughter. She communicates efficiently and understands where my kid needs help and is so patient with her. My family is so happy and wishes we could have connected sooner. My daughter is so happy and looks forward to her weekly tutoring sessions.