Lida helped my daughter receive an "A" in her statistics class. This was an advanced college course and Lida made the concepts easier for my daughter to understand.
Mecca is an amazing tutor! Sebastian's grades have continued to improve due to Mecca and her tutoring. I recommend Mecca, she is what Sebastian needed. Thank you, Deby Garcia
very knowledgeable of the content. She presented very helpful information
I didn't book a session because I didn't need one, but I'm expected to write a review because he was assigned to me.
Amazing at Econ.
super helpful, makes learning the material fun and interesting also creates a comfortable learning environment!
Mr Zubair is a great and an excellent tutor. His knowledge of the course work is very good. He takes his time to explain every material right to the basic level. He also ensures that you are satisfied and very okay before the session ends. I always extend our session because that is the only opportunity I have to understand my materials in statistics. His overall knowledge and skills are the best 👌 👍
Very kind and helpful! Adapts quickly to teaching new materials and easily explains concepts for a complete understanding!
Jadon felt that Nicklaus was knowledgeable but coordinating schedules was challenging to keep in person sessions. Jadon ended up using on campus resources instead.
Timothy had positive feedback to share after last Sunday's session. He appreciated the use of the whiteboard and it was able to help him in class. I think Austin was a very good match for Timothy and his current needs.
Marthe is very knowledgeable in the subject area that we choose. She immediately developed a rapport with my daughter. My daughter looks forward to her tutoring sessions and walks away with confidence that she can achieve her desired results in class. Since she began working with Marthe she has done extremely well in class. She went from an F on a test to a 100% grade on the semester final exam. Marthe has also been helpful with other discussing other subject areas and projects that she is working on. It has been a great experience for us overall.
Very clear and precise when teaching. Makes concepts very clear and easy to understand
great teacher!
Sophia has been fantastic and a big help for my daughter in her calculus and physics classes.
My child enjoys meeting with his tutor to understand the subject of Geometry. They are more confident to tackle this challenging session on their own while also introducing additional tools which can prove useful when learning alone. Our student is much more independent in completing both their coursework and homework.
This was my first session with David. He had work to send me to do on my own which was very helpful. He is very knowledgeable in everything science. He sent lots of helpful videos to help me better understand the material.
Amanda is awesome with my son! She is patient and allows him to talk, but she is good at redirecting him back to the lessons. She presents things in a fun way which is great because tutoring is not something he dreads. His reading and confidence are improving. Overall, I think her style is a good match for my kid.
Excellent staff and very in tune with the educational needs a child might have. My 9yr. old son loves working Mr.Gregory. The learning atmosphere Frog Tutoring provides making learning fun, safe and rewarding. We as parents are excited to watch him learn and grow over the next few weeks. Thanks Mr. G