Hello Michaela, Hope you are doing well. So sorry for the short notice. Our internet service has not been working since 3. We are not able to fix it. Unfortunately we will not be able to make it today’s session. Thank you for understanding Regards Seema
Joshua has been very helpful to our son Matthew. Matthew has acknowledged how helpful Joshua is. Matthew’s confidence in math has increased, which means the world to Todd and me.
Very knowledgeable with a chilled out attitude. A amazing tutor.
Amanda really helped me with understanding the nursing process. I am so excited to work with her again!
This is a great tutor for all ages. Mckenna Breddan helped me with my work and understanding with math.
Overall great tutor and was very helpful. Great attitude and was very generous.
Mr. Dunn is very knowledgeable and is always thinking in terms of what you need to know. He speaks in a casual and concise manner that is easy to understand.
Ruona has improved significantly in Math.
She is very helpful and breaks down the content into manageable and understandable chunks. I got a 90% on my sociology quiz after working with Jahnavi.
Very organized and thorough. Communicates very well with students and parents.
Jason is very knowledgable and wants to help. He had an internet outage during our session so we were not able to complete.
I highly recommend Oma. She is efficient, organized, and super patient. She is proficient in AutoCad and Revit. We are currently using AutoDesk Revit for completing a series of floor plans. The floor plans include drafting a floor plan from scratch, furniture placement, and lighting to date. Oma has helped me with every phase with ease and expertise.
She is wonderful. So patient with her on her reading. She really helped my daughter excel in reading
My daughter loved working with Mecca and it helped her out to get an A in AP calculus as a high school sophomore
Ali is an excellent tutor who is pleasant and possesses a wealth of knowledge.
I am the parent of 2 year-, 6 year-, 8 year-, and 14 year-old kiddos. My children are Autistic, Deaf/Hard of Hearing, and Learning Disabled. Julie is a phenomenal tutor. Even with the challenges of students learning online as a result of the pandemic, Julie has made the experience quite enjoyable and manageable for my kiddos. My kids only prefer to work with Julie because of her calm demeanor and attention to great detail. Another trait that makes Julie unique from all other tutors is her experience in working with children in the general education setting, on the spectrum, and kiddos who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. With her expertise and knowledge, she is able to reach many student no matter where they are in the learning journey. Thank you Julie for all that you do for my children. You are an amazing tutor who makes it all look extremely easy during this challenging, stressful learning age of the pandemic. You're amazing!!!
Rachel Stern is a very kind and very smart tutor, I enjoyed working with her. :)
She was excellent
I have no complaints. She is excellent.
He is excellent and very patient!