Warren is the most amazing tutor. He took my son from an E in Pre-Algebra to an A- on his last test. My son has a lot of neurological issues and Warren is very patient. Warren communicates with my son and makes him want to learn. Not only is he a tutor, but a mentor. My son looks up to him and actually looks forward to learning a subject he is completely lost in. Warren has helped him find his way and is a true miracle worker!
Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the help!
Amia has done some great work with our reluctant son, we have had two sessions so far and will keep working with her.
i love her as my tutor:}
{not commented yet}Great help and extremely knowledgeable! Great!
Alan found Warren very knowledgeable and easy to work with.
Mecca is absolutely the BEST!! My daughter looks forward to their sessions and it thrills me to see the passion she has when she is about to meet with Mecca. Quality is what we sought for in finding the perfect tutor for our daughter and Mecca exemplifies professionalism, punctuality and expertise on the subject matter. We are truly grateful for Mecca!!!
She has done a great job with my kids , she has great ability to forward her knowledge of math .My Kids are more confidents in Calculus after fer classes.
Fantastic tutor! I am in an AP subject that I struggle with sugnificantly, and not only does Warren help me understand my material, but also guide me through specific lessons and gives me good examples, lessons, and feedback to questions I answer. He is very transparent and understanding, and is just a pleasant guy to be around! He really feels like a good friend just helping you with your work and doesnt feel like a stranger at all! I recommend him to anyone struggling in math and sciences as he provides all the learning and lessons nessesary for a successful year in your classes. Because of him, I am surviving my AP classes and feel confident and strong about the hard material. Thank you so much Warren! - Carmells son, Ben VP
Ms. Allen has been helping my son with several assignments. My son Anthony has short attention span, and when he is with Amia he stays with her for the whole session. Which for me its a lot of improvement. Amia also encourage Anthony to ask questions and not to give up when he doesn not understand about a subject. We are very happy with her.
Excellent. Worked out well
Alex is an excellent tutor of AP Microeconomic. He went through the study questions with explanations/ rationales about why the answers were the right ones. He is very knowledgeable, respectful and professional. Greatly appreciate.
Ivan's tutoring methods are working great for Aidan. Aidan is understanding concepts that he was struggling with. Ivan makes sure to explain the concepts in different ways to ensure Aidan understands it. Thank you, so far so good!
It was fantastic working with Dr. Raj. He always went above and beyond to be helpful and research my problems ahead of time, and I could tell how much effort be put into helping me. He is extremely kind and understanding, and was able to answer all of my OChem questions that even my TAs could not. I wish I had contacted him earlier in my class, but I will definitely keep him in mind when I take OChem 2. I would definitely recommend him to a friend!
Joshua has been one of my favorite tutors, incredibly kind and helpful in every session
She is fantastic in her knowledge of accounting. In addition, she gave me tips on how to prep for my exam. Phenomenal
Izzy's experience with Oliva has been absolutely awesome! She has gone from an extreme struggle in AP Biology to getting an A plus on her last exam. Izzy's favorite things about Oliva are that she goes in depth on the topics that she needs extra help with, and is never critical when she has questions or needs something re-explained. Oliva has been the perfect fit for Izzy and her AP Biology needs.
Very informative and helpful.