Super match for me. Not only for my academics but also an animal lover.
Nayeli has helped our son with the difficulties he is having in Spanish class conjugating verbs. His grades are improving and she is a very professional tutor. Thank you!
Mario has helped our son with Chemistry and we look forward to a better semester with his help! {not commented yet}
Great Tutor has helped my daughter.
I am more than satisfied with Mr. Beres. He is able to provide me with an abundance of resources from practice tests, quizzes, worksheets, and youtube videos to help with the areas I struggle in. When going over practice tests he does an excellent job in explaining why each answer choice is correct or wrong. He is also able to give me similar examples to help me understand the question better. He always has all his materials ready prior to our tutoring sessions. He is understanding and wants you to succeed, I do not feel embarrassed when I miss simple questions I should have gotten correct. He also provides test-taking strategies and lets me know which similar questions that I will be tested over.
very good with explaining the concepts
{not commented yet}Ihuoma is extremely knowledgeable in CAD and Revit and has helped me immensely with AutoCAD for Mac.
very good with explanation
very good with explaining the concepts of spanish
{not commented yet}excellent
10/10 Would Recommend
Leslie makes math fun and enjoyable to learn. She also makes it easy to follow and understand.
Bimala is a great tutor, and she really knows her stuff when it comes to accounting, she is patient and always willing to explain topics and go over them step by step, a great match for someone whos looking to learn accounting and have fun while doing it!
Sumaiya is very knowledgeable and explains everything well.
Andrea is fantastic with our son and is patiently helping him learn to succeed in the classroom. He is gaining confidence and his grades are improving. Thank you for helping him grow!
Really flexible with timings and explains concepts in depth
Wonderful tutor, with knowledge of the subject at hand. Always knew how to approach the problem with guidance in order to help me understand the concept as a whole and apply it to my assignments. Couldn't have asked for a better tutor for my Economics Statistics class.
very knowledgeable and patient would highly recommend! breaks down complicated subjects so you understand them!
Very good instructor and easy to understand.
I really do not have the words to express my gratitude for what Marita is doing for my son. She is amazing and I have seen more growth in my son after three lessons than I have seen after almost a year of online schooling through our district. Christian, my son, is enthusiastic and looks forward to working with Marita each week. I am overjoyed with his progress and his overall attitude towards reading now. Marita brings so much passion and positive energy into her classroom. She is happy to work with me and keeps me updated after every lesson! Christian has just been diagnosed with a degenerative eye issue and Marita’s loving approach and her desire to see my son succeed is evident in her willingness to try new teaching methods that benefit Christian’s unique and fluid situation. Marita has blessed our family so much. Thank you, Frog Tutoring!