Jon is a great tutor. He is very patient with me and teaches the information in a way I can understand.
Amer really knows what he is talking about when it comes to mathematics. I am amazed with how good he is at delivering the information even though the topic is considered advanced math. I love the way how clear he is when trying to explain. I have had a hard time catching up with Real Analysis but he helped me enough to get there and did more than I expected! It is also clear that he knows more than just what he is teaching me.
Quite knowledgeable and very flexible to adapt her teaching approach to our student's needs.
Marthe is a very professional and knowledgeable tutor. In the short time we’ve worked with her, our child has improved in her subject and confidence greatly. She was able to connect and bring out better results with our child almost immediately. We can safely recommend Marthe to anyone who would need a responsible, courteous and great tutor!
My son did well on his test after his initial tutoring session.
was able to help me very well.
If you're having any trouble, do not hesitate to book with Sina. He explains concepts in a clear and concise way, patient manner, making sure the content is well understood. Every session eliminates more uncertainty and produces more comfortability. He has no issue re-explaining, and always gives lots of examples, tips, and tricks. Overall working with him has been nothing more than stellar!
Warren provided a short narrative after each tutoring session. This informed us of topics and challenges. He offered solutions as well. He was flexible and was able to accommodate my son's schedule. We appreciate you Warren! Thank you!
Very knowledgeable and helpful. Depending on the time of the session however, it doesn't start on time and there is a lot of background distractions on this tutor's end.
My daughter's AP Calculus grade prior to starting her sessions with Frog Tutoring had slipped from an "A" to a "D". But once she started working with her tutor, her grade steadily improved. Her tutor showed her how to solve various equations for extra credit and by the time the school year ended, my daughter's final grade had risen back to an "A". She was quite pleased with herself and the help she received from her tutor. If the need arises again, we won't hesitate to employ her.
I understood my ap chemistry way better!
Michelangelo was patience and flexible. He adapted to what I need to learn in order to be successful. He listened, heard and determined where I needed the most help. He was beneficial in me learning what I had to correct for the exam.
Helped me out a lot with Calculus II.
Sina is a very helpful tutor who knows the material very well. He is able to break down complicated engineering problems and explain the process to be able to solve the problems on your own. After each session I feel more comfortable with the material we have worked on.
Warren was able break down the content into a simpler form, which made it very easy for me to grasp the concepts, and he was able to answer all of my questions, and go through multiple practice problems.
5 star review
Erik was very patient with my daughter, explained everything as easy to understand. He restores her confidence back. The progress she made was unbelievable.
With the help of my tutor I feel that I will be able to pass Calculus AP
Appreciated his clearness and slowness when he talked, thank you.
Eugene has been working with my son to help him better understand concepts in Pre-Calculus and Microeconomics. He is very knowledgeable and flexible in his approach to breaking down these concepts and helping my son see them from different perspectives. We’re very grateful for his patience and insight.