KMani was a great science tutor for my 8th grade son. My son greatly increased his science knowledge and scores. I recommend KMani to anyone for science tutoring.
Positive, caring and a joy to work with.
Good tutor
He is a great tutor! I highly recommend him ! All the tips, tricks, strategies and techniques helped my daughter to get an almost perfect STAAR test score!
She is a wonderful tutor who is very experienced. She was very helpful with my FAR exam.
Alisha was a great tutor for me. She really understood what my struggles were and knew how to approach the material I needed to focus on. Overall, I learned a lot from her and she helped me pass my NCLEX!
Very well informed of requirements for medical school and what medical schools are looking for in their applications.
{not commented yet}. I have had two super great sessions with Kassandra and plan to continue. She is very patient, creates a pleasant learning environment and focuses on my special needs. I already feel more confident in my ability to communicate in Spanish.
Mario knew what he was talking about and helped me prepare for the exam but at times I got very confused and wasn't as sure about my knowledge as I was going in to the tutoring session.
Kim is way more than awesome!!!! She comes prepared and ready to rock and roll. Her excitement is what holds my 3.5yrs old autistic sons attention for MOST of the session. When your kid tells you at bed time that they love Ms. Kim then you know for a fact she's the prefect addition for your family. I have to figure out a way to keep her as long as possible.
{not commented yet}Liza has been great. Wyatt feels very comfortable with her. Wyatt has a great personality but very shy at first and with English being his toughest subject, it's very difficult to get him to engage and be excited about writing. Liza had done a great job of getting him to open up. He was very proud of his paragraph he wrote yesterday and he admitted he could not have done it without Liza's help.
she has good knowledge and teacher well, provides the right and usable resources I am happy to find such a teacher
A big thank you to my tutor Jeff. He is very patient, understanding, professional and a good motivator. He makes good jokes to make you feel relaxed. Jeff is genuinely concerned and always gave feedback after each tutor session. He did not give up on me when I had to switch from Algebra to Geometry. Thanks Jeff for all your help.
Very nice and knowledgeable!
Nagi is a fantastic tutor and mentor. My son was struggling in English, but with Nagi's effort, encouragement, positive reinforcement, he is back on track. Nagi is not only a tutor but a wonderful mentor and friend to him. I highly recommend him!
Very knowledgeable and patient. I was lucky to have his help in a very challenging class and highly recommend him!
Matthew Teal is a great tutor! He is passionate about ensuring that the student understands the content they are studying. He is supportive and flexible in meeting the student where they are currently. His knowledge base is incredible and we would highly recommend him!
Bimala is very knowledgeable about the concepts in accounting and financial statement analysis. She is ready to work with you where you are and guides you in your learning by asking you lots of questions; she basically guides you in your learning rather than lecturing. She is a God-send to me for this class and her knowledge and time are invaluable.
fun & enthusiastic, works well with my son
Elise is very patient with repeating explanations for the material. She is very understanding and communicates very well on her availability.