Goddess Ryckeley, is an amazing tutor. She helped me prepare and pass my Colorado Real Estate Exam. She was extremely knowledgeable and had the Colorado Real Estate materials that were far more helpful than my own course materials. I couldn’t have been more pleased with the outcome.
So far Ms. Bartholomew is great. My son doesn't like school, but he enjoys their weekly tutoring sessions and this is a "BIG" plus for me.
She is so smart!! I find Taylor very easy to talk to and ask questions. I also realized, that like me, she is also a black belt in Taekwondo. I hope to work with her again!!{not commented yet}
She is very nice and knows what she is doing. She also makes these subjects more interesting. I was so surprised when our hour and a half was over so quickly
Very good at presenting information and helping with any content that is asked. She was very flexible and never had any problems. She could teach me the content if it were unclear. Overall, best tutor I have had!
Very good at presenting information and helping with any content that is asked. She was very flexible and never had any problems. She could teach me the content if it were unclear. Overall, best tutor I have had!
Mecca is extremely well versed in the subject of physics and does an amazing job of explaining it in a helpful fashion which one can easily understand!!
Elaine has been very helpful and kind. I would recommend her to anyone needing a tutor.
My son liked this math tutor. He was able to clearly understand her and was able to understand the material she was teaching him.
Jolie is not just an exceptional tutor, but completely dependable. I highly recommend her.
Scott saved me from drowning in my Chem 2 class. He has a clear understanding of the subjects and even enlightened me on ways that may benefit me in solving problems. He was very patient and wanted to make sure I had a clear understanding of the subjects so I may solve any problems that may occur. Any problems we did have to solve he would make me break it down to understand what the professor may be asking to solve. Anything I didn't understand he didn't make me feel like I was dumb and/or a nuisance. If you are taking any scientific and/or mathematical classes please choose Scott and save yourself the stress.
It has been an absolute pleasure working with Jeffrey. In my short time working with Jeffrey he helped me significantly raise my Math scores. During the duration of the 5 days we worked together I went from not being able to remember long division to being an algebraic stud. Thanks to Jeffrey my ASVAB score went from 69 to 91 which has opened a plethora of doors for my career. I would absolutely recommend Jeffrey and given the same situation I would pick Jeffrey again 10 times out of 10. So thank you again Jeffrey for all you have done it is much appreciated. -Dominic
Great tutor. Students grade has already improved!
She was great.
We thought Ashley was terrific! She worked well with our child and made learning fun.
supportive and knowledgable
Great Job identifying some knowledge weaknesses and addressing them in the Chemistry content.
Victoria is a very nice and knowledgeable tutor. She breaks things down into easily understandable segments and goes at your pace. I enjoy my tutoring sessions with Victoria very much, and I would highly recommend her to others looking for a tutor.
She has been very helpful in helping me understand my physics material, teaching me simple, direct ways to approach problems.
Very helpful. She breaks down the problems, gives steps to solving them, and helps explain why which answers are right and wrong.