Helped me out on the proper steps in math
He's been super helpful in helping me with the topics I'm confused in, very approachable and willing to give out his time too.
Jimmy is a terrific Latin tutor. He has been a great help for my son!!!
Wonderful experience truly explained very well. Is super patient and is able to demonstrate each step and how to move forward in the problems and information!
Abdallah did a great job explaining the material and the best way to do the problems.
Warren was really good and that it totally helped!!!! So happy fabulous Warren exists in this world! I appreciate the friendly and helpful support I received when I was getting started - very very thankful!
Excellent Tutors, very knowledge on business 151
Miss Romero is an outstanding tutor, and very helpful.
I am learning a lot from Mr.Kapadoukakis. He very good going over chapter and homework from my course
Shuntia is a fantastic teacher. She exceeded all of our expectations. Our son, most of all enjoyed learning and conversing with Shuntia. We highly recommend her and appreciate all of her knowledge, skills, and fun personality. Thank you, Shuntia!!!
Some of what we covered was very tough and was CPA level accounting. But Jason was GREAT!!! We worked through problems together and he guided me on how to eliminate incorrect answers. He was very accommodating, and was always on time and communicative
I absolutely love Zoe and her approach to teaching/ tutoring. She makes it easy for the children to catch on and learn the new concepts. Her personality is very bubbly and welcoming. She is great. So happy to have found her, it is such a blessing for my children and for me.
Hello Michaela, Hope you are doing well. So sorry for the short notice. Our internet service has not been working since 3. We are not able to fix it. Unfortunately we will not be able to make it today’s session. Thank you for understanding Regards Seema
Joshua has been very helpful to our son Matthew. Matthew has acknowledged how helpful Joshua is. Matthew’s confidence in math has increased, which means the world to Todd and me.
Very knowledgeable with a chilled out attitude. A amazing tutor.
Amanda really helped me with understanding the nursing process. I am so excited to work with her again!
This is a great tutor for all ages. Mckenna Breddan helped me with my work and understanding with math.
Overall great tutor and was very helpful. Great attitude and was very generous.
Mr. Dunn is very knowledgeable and is always thinking in terms of what you need to know. He speaks in a casual and concise manner that is easy to understand.
Ruona has improved significantly in Math.