Been Working with Jessica for just about a month now and have gained a lot of knowledge in areas I lacked and how to better my knowledge in areas I knew. I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND her she is very nice and funny aswell just overall helping me so much.
Such a good teacher and will pace himself at your level of understanding.
Was an introduction session that required a large amount of support work to establish the appropriate work environment. Vinod was fantastic. Vinod was patient, knowledgeable and nothing short of professional. In short, my initial session with Vinod was exactly the type of experience that I have been looking for.
Gordon is a great tutor. He is more than a tutor to my kids, he is also a life coach to them.
John is a great instructor and very knowledgeable about topics and very helpful in all areas.
Peyton was very accommodating to our request to meet short notice. He did a very good job of explaining the content in a way that was easy to understand to my daughter. Thanks for your guidance and your patience.
super helpful, so glad I got to be your first student!
FrugTurtoring claims to have the best tutors and Nasser Sarfaraz proves it!
He is absolutely amazing, super nice, and knows what he is talking about.
Vinod has incredible knowledge with extraordinary patience.
{not commented yet}She seems great! Hopefully Brandon will see what a value she is to him and will become more organized and focused on his schoolwork.
I got tutored for Matlab and jt was very helpful and well explained.
knowledgeable about material, would be better if it was a bit more slow paced/explained reasoning for the steps to the problem in more detail.
Jason is a wonderful tutor and has made learning such a positive experience for my two daughter who struggle with Jr. High Mathematics. He is patient, encouraging and explains topics both thoroughly and from multiple angles. I recommend Jason Deng highly and we are so appreciative of his time and attention.
David Beres has been an excellent tutor for my high school student. He was able to meet his needs a twice exceptional learner and was able to help him improve his grades! He had a very motivational approach and my son really enjoyed the time they spent together each week.
Peyton was a great fit for my daughter!
Joseph has been helping our son, Jaymin, for the past 2 weeks with Pre-Cal and the results couldn’t be better. Jaymin is on the spectrum and that presents it’s own set of challenges, but Joseph has been able to get Jaymin back on track and from a failing average back above passing and a 92 on his last Chapter test. We are grateful for the progress and Jaymin won’t have to drop the class now. Thanks Joseph!
Elaine has been such a delight to have as Kirstin's tutor for the last several months. Elaine is kind, patient and knows how to bring Kirstin out of her frustrated moments with Math. Elaine has truly helped advance Kirstin's Math skills and confidence overall. We will be forever grateful!
Qingfeng was very great to work with. He was on point with everything and knew his material very well. He's also quick to find mistakes in your program and help you fix it. So far, the best tutor for C++ I came across of. Highly recommend! I look forward to working with him in future assignments as well.