Mary has connected very well with our son. His grades are starting to improve, and his confidence is improving as well.
Daniel was a wonderful tutor. He always knew exactly how to help me approach the tough physics problems I was given and helped me to pass the class with ease.
Excellent instructor. Knowledgeable, patient. Highly recommended
Very helpful and really works with you on the areas you struggle in. I really appreciate the time she puts in and the help she gives.
Keturah has been super helpful in tutoring my son in Spanish. The knowledge she has gained coupled with making learning fun and exciting, gives me the confidence that her approach will be the game changer for my son. She’s definitely a go to choice once he moves to Spanish II next year.
He's very knowledgable and patient. He's amazing at explaining the content and don't get frustrated if you don't understand it or if you ask him to explain again.
very kind and knowledgeable.
Alexis, has been a fabulous tutor for our son. I would highly recommended Alexis as a tutor.
Dr. Jaber has extensive knowledge of excel, is timely and through in her tutoring.
Aditi Grossman is professional, knowledgeable, and punctual ...
Maryilyn has been a wonderful asset not only to our daughter but also to our family. We are so thankful for frogtutoring recommending Maryilyn to us. Our daughter went from being in several different grade levels to now getting high marks all in the sixth grade level in just a few months with Maryilyn's tutoring. She has been an amazing asset to our family. We are so thankful again for everything that she's done for us and our daughter. We recommend Maryilyn 5 stars to everyone out there. Our daughter Lisee's confidence and her learning ability has increased due to Maryilyn's very patient instruction.
Very knowledgeable instructor.
Ian is very fortunate to have a tutor like Caitlyn. She is great at math and I would highly recommend her for other Algebra students. I appreciate her and feel fortunate that my son Ian has her as a tutor
Marilyn, is very patient with my daughter and knowledgeable on the topics presented. When problems arise she can be very innovative to deal with the issue.
Mecca was super!
Understands the materials and the thought process behind how different equations are given and how they relate to the original equations they stem from. Great tutor.
Shreyas is a life saver. He makes it all look so easy. I have a better grasp on subjects, not proficient, but a clearer understanding. Thanks to all!!!
He did really well.
Tutor does a really good job explaining the topics. She is understanding and takes her time. Very good tutor