He is good at helping my niece understand math problems.
Although I was unable to use the webcam and microphone, Rana was able to adjust easily to the malfunctions.
My First session with Michaelangelo Hayes was great. He is very adaptable to your needs and always has a positive attitude when tutoring. Throughout our first session i felt comfortable telling him my weakness and strengths and he quickly came up with a plan that will help me succeed. I would highly recommend him.
She is the best and helps me very much!
Very knowledgeable of the subject taught.
My daughter feels very comfortable with the tutor. Tutor was able to identify where to begin from our 1st session. I look forward to my daughter growing. Thank you!!
great tutor
Good tutor, helped me review concepts.
Fantastic Tutor, explained content clearly and helped me develop a baseline understanding of the information rather than learning my the ropes.
Great tutor! Very friendly and effective at teaching in a way that I understood
Alyssa has done a fantastic job of working with my 7th grader. My daughter has gotten caught up on work she was behind on and has done well on her tests/quizzes since receiving tutoring from Alyssa. My daughter also has ADHD and has problems with task initiation and focusing. Alssya has been able to get her to get started on tasks and has had a lot of patience in working with my daughter. I would highly recommend Alyssa.
Stanley was very knowledgeable in all aspects that I needed. Was very patient with me and took his time explaining and finding different ways of teach the materials to me when I didn’t understand. He was always on time, overall I was pleased with my session.
Julie is an amazing Tutor. She is great at connecting me with the material and makes the act prep fun and interesting. Her lesson plans are very informative and exciting. She is super sweet and she is improving my skills a lot. I look forward to her session with me. She is very kind and goes above and beyond with homework and skills she teaches me.
Really helpful and knowledgeable!
So far everything is going great. She just started working with my daughter who has High Functioning Autism, ADHD, and Anxiety. She is tutoring her on Geometry and my daughter has connected with her and really likes Annette. I think this is going to be a great fit and as time goes on she will be able to help my daughter bring her grade up and pass the class for the semester with a C or above which is the goal.
Kathleen has been a nice addition to my son struggles in the area of pre-Algrebra. He is retaining the concepts so far after with her tutoring him weekly. Thank you!
{not commented yet}Tannaz is patient and knowledgable in many areas. She really helped me with calc, chem, and bio classes. She was available for extra time if needed--which was so helpful for tests and midterms.
I had a great time learning with Miss Kelsy. Her kind and helpful approach was of great help and her knowledge of the content enabled me to construct some very well written assignments for my classes. I highly recommend her. Best, Urooj
Always went above and beyond when trying to teach me. overall one of the nicest and most carding tutors I've ever had. not only did he make sure I made good grades but always motivated me in positive ways!
{not commented yet} excellent