It's really easy to talk with him and work through problems I'm having issues with. He helps me understand why things are the way they are in math, and I feel like I understand the subject a lot more than I had before I began the tutoring sessions.
Ms. Chen was really good and cool. We covered what exactly I am struggling with and we plan to tackle those problems in the next session.
First session went well.
Robert is the best tutor for algebra anyone could ask for. He knows everything about the subject and will explain so that it’s easy to understand. I would not hesitate to recommend him to others.
David is a calculus whiz. He actually teaches you rather than just give out answers. I have learned a lot from him in a short amount of time. I’m very thankful to have him as my tutor.
Professiona and knowledgeable
Mr.Clarke knows exactly what he is doing and he breaks down the content step by step so whoever is being tutored can get a clear understanding of how to solve a challenging problem. He is also patient, he does not try to rush you during a session. Overall he is an amazing tutor and I would definitely recommend him to others who are search of an understanding and patient tutor. His methods are extremely helpful and his positive attitude also adds onto the tutoring process.
Sita is a lovely tutor. Very punctual, patient, organized and communicates with us well. She has helped improve our daughter's scores. It is so much better than any other online tutoring program.
Very helpful
Ahmed Mohamad is the excellent tutor for my children. He knows how to keep them engaged in the sessions. He uses different teaching methods for the different learning styles. I look forward to having him as a life long tutor for my children.
Great start so far. My daughter is thrilled to be receiving such expert help!
Annette was very helpful with my writing assignment. She helped me to brainstorm ideas, evaluate the structure, and correct minor grammatical errors as well.
Hengji is very good at presenting information in an informative and fun way and he clearly knows what he is talking about. He is a very good teacher.
Amazing and patient and very willing to change teaching styles based on your learning style. Best Neuroanatomy tutor I have ever had and I have tried 3 other folks before him!
Michaelangelo is a great tutor, he is enjoyable to talk to and a very relatable person in general. To top this off he knows the things he's talking about and the material for the most part even on short notice. He works out the problems with ease but he also knows how to explain step by step of each problem with alternating methods of the problems. He also readily has SAT help. So I give him a 4.3/5 stars. for knowledge on our first impromptu session, and a 5 on presentation.
very accommodating of my schedule and based a few starting questions he knew just where to begin our focus. Extremely knowledgeable and walked me through each step ending with me walking him through the steps to ensure that I had a grasp on the steps required to solve. Looking forward to our next session.
I really enjoyed working with Kai. He was professional and considered my schedule when I needed to make a change. He is positive, knowledgable and he communicated with me naturally and with compassion, especially when I got stuck on a concept. I would highly recommend Kai.
Amazing professional knowledgeable
Great help for Python programming
Britt is very nice to work with. So far both my children are enjoying their one one one time with her. My children say she's so very nice, patient, and understanding. She makes both my children feel very comfortable. We were very skeptical about an IN-HOME TUTOR, because we didnt know what to expect. My only regret is that I didn't start the IN-HOME TUTOR SOONER!! Thank you Britt!!! We truly appreciate you! Best, Vanessa Garcia