Excellent and patient.
Sophia is an excellent tutor. She has a lot of knowledge. Joshua enjoys working with her.
My tutor Ms. Marina Khan was welcoming, extremely intelligent and knowledgeable. Marina worked with me patiently, and thoroughly until I understood the material. She is kind, and it helped that she made me feel comfortable right away. She was a great, and I left feeling so much more confident in understanding my math statistics course by the end of my session. THANK YOU! -Mayra, Queens, NY
Ellen has been fantastic for our daughter. She has helped her with the subject matter, test anxiety, test-taking strategy and her confidence. After a rocky start with another tutor, we are very pleased that we found Ellen.
Thank you Lilian, for your positive influence on Ella! She has actually come home from school saying Math is fun. I know with your your help, that would have never been possible. She is excited to turn in her homework and study for tests. THANK YOU!!!!
Ive had multiple tutors for math but Michaelangelo has helped more than anyone ive ever had. I came into the meeting expecting to still be a tiny bit confused on some things but he helped me see and use different methods that just made so much more sense to me. I definitely would recommend using him if your looking for a tutor
Dawn Watson is excellent to know what I need.
Best Chemistry tutor ever.
Jason Experience working with Jason. He made it the subject easy to understand.
Amazing tutor!
She showed that she really wanted to help me and see me succeed. She was very helpful when it came to explaining concepts and made me feel like I actually knew what I was doing.
I think Jessica is an excellent tutor and I am looking forward to learning more from her. I really like how she enjoys statistics and I think that makes a big difference when showing someone like myself issues you do not understand. Jessica was very polite and kind to me throughout the session.
Mr. Kursun has be great. He is very eager to help and talk with my son very well.
Extremely intelligent and patient with my son. After just a few minutes I was amazed by the progress already being made. My son was so comfotrable and requested another session with Xavier asap.
Menachem is very knowledgeable and seems to be able to help my daughter grasp the concepts.
Michaelangelo is an outstanding tutor. He is a scholar on ALL subject matter and has the rare ability to explain complex problem solution in a way that is easy to understand. Trust me, request Michaelangelo if you can!
Tannaz was great. She was very patient and made my child really understand subjects that he has struggled with. I love that she made him repeat and go over what they discussed and even set up the expectations for the next session.
Very through and helpful and will work with you step by step and is very encouraging.
Marina was extremely helpful in teaching me how to perform a statistical analysis in SPSS.