Fun Facts
I love playing soccer and piano and am also into fantasy football. I was an extra in the movie, "Answer This!", which was shot in Ann Arbor. I also enjoy sitting in coffee shops while sipping on tea and getting work done.
About Me
I am from the small village of Linwood which is just north of Bay City. I double majored in mathematics and economics at the University of MIchigan. I am currently pursuing a career as an actuary. I just passed my third actuarial exam in April!
I have been detroit">tutoring since 2008 to students all over the Saginaw, Midland, and Bay City areas. I started detroit">tutoring when Michigan changed the high school requirements for math, I thought that was the perfect time to start. I have seen up to 17 students in one week and can't get enough of it. I love the satisfaction of knowing that I'm making a difference.
I always try to get a sense for what the student is having problems with and what they want to accomplish. I try to engrain basic principles into the students' minds that will enable them to be more efficient and confident. For example, if a student were struggling with Algebra I would try to find things on the basic stratum that the student was struggling with. Maybe they are having significant problems with fractions. I would give extra work on fractions so they can master those basic skills and move forward with the actual topic.