Reviews Fort Worth, TX
Ms. Stokka is an outstanding tutor! Her interest in and enthusiasm for the subject (AP US History) is amazing, and her willingness to also help with AP Govt is so appreciated. She has put a lot of effort into preparing for the tutoring sessions, and my daughter’s grasp of the subjects has improved greatly.
Good experience, helped a lot.
Austin is knowledgeable and patient when tutoring! His tutoring helped my daughter pass her macroeconomics test!
Fariha broke down the steps and I was able to understand the math concepts. She goes at a good pace and customizes the session to my needs.
After failing three tests in pre-calc I decided to use a tutor. Within two sessions I passed my test the next time I attempted it. Kayla does a great job explaining and communicating the rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division when applied to pre-calculus.
Patient with me and understands where I am coming from.
Very knowledgeable
Great to work with!
Emily loved working with Izzy and is looking forward to future sessions.
He was very helpful in the session they had
Mati really enjoyed working with Collin. She was knowledgeable and presented the material in way that Mati could understand.
Great job!!
Mrs Watson has been a great tutor for me and she was able to help the idea how to use critical thinking skills. Overall she is great for me.
Amazing and kind person!!
Was able to clearly convey the concepts of the material.
Very helpful. Was able to clearly convey the concepts and would always answer my questions and always available.
Very helpful. Able to explain clearly the concepts
Zane is wonderful! I would highly recommend him. And if he's available next year, and knows anything about physics, I'll definitely be contacting Frog Tutoring to hire him. thanks Lisa
Mia says she now is beginning to "get" biology. Wish I found Caroline earlier in the year....