Reviews Fort Worth, TX
Very pleasant and knowledgeable. Helped guide her every step of the way, allowing her to figure it out for herself, but there as backup. She was very pleased.
Very nice, very knowledgeable, helped guide every step of the way with the problems, allowing her to work it out! She was very happy!
Hunter is such a great tutor! He truly understands the content and makes sure you truly understand the content you are covering!
She is the best. Great communication. Very timely. Very nice. Easy to connect to. She helped so much in Calculus for our daughter.
I LOVED my session with Brittany! She was extremely helpful and I look forward to working with her!
Loved meeting Brittany today! She was very helpful. I look forward to meeting with her again.
She was a great tutor. Very knowledgeable and easy to work with. She was flexible with meeting times and worked around my schedule. She also presented the info really well to help me succeed in my class.
Mecca is a wonderful tutor. She helped my daughter prep for her chemistry test with only a day's notice, and she scored 99%. She had a very good rapport with my child, and she was genuinely excited for the next session which I am booking now.
Adrian C. is brilliant. He has an amazing intuition and can help you learn course materials. The very first day he reviewed my homework and immediately understood the notes and assignments. Highly recommended!
Extremely knowledgeable and completely prepared to tutor the moment billing starts. My first session with Joshua and he is completely familiar with the subject matter. I feel more confident in accomplishing my degree plan knowing he is available to support my desire to learn.
Aditi is a great tutor
Very knowledgeable about many subjects not to mention incredibly patient and understanding.
great tutor
Lorenzo is learning his classes very well with Matt! It's also building his confidence in handling the classes as he is pursuing a Bachelor's degree with Matt's support. He is so happy, it means a lot to him, & to our family that he is feeling good about reaching his goals. Thank you, Matt and Stacey!!!
I would not hesitate to hire Taylor in the future. My daughter was extremely glad I hired him to help her in a very difficult expedited geometry course this summer.She probably would have learnt nothing had he not helped her.Both my daughters are in accelerated programs and I am relieved to know there is someone so nice and educated to be able to help my kids if needed, in these trying times with online classes. Most importantly he seems to have a great connection with his student.
David has done a very good job with preparing me for my HESI A2 test so far. He is knowledgeable and helps me understand the math concepts in a way that is easy for me to comprehend. He prepares thorough lessons on math concepts and gives me homework that supports the concepts. I feel that I am being well prepared for my exam and should be able to adequately raise my math grade.
Macie was a great tutor. My daughter responded well to her method of teaching.
Peyton was very accommodating to our request to meet short notice. He did a very good job of explaining the content in a way that was easy to understand to my daughter. Thanks for your guidance and your patience.
Peyton was a great fit for my daughter!