Reviews Fort Worth, TX
Always went above and beyond when trying to teach me. overall one of the nicest and most carding tutors I've ever had. not only did he make sure I made good grades but always motivated me in positive ways!
{not commented yet} excellent
Sophia is an excellent tutor. She has a lot of knowledge. Joshua enjoys working with her.
Mr. Kursun has be great. He is very eager to help and talk with my son very well.
Michaelangelo is an outstanding tutor. He is a scholar on ALL subject matter and has the rare ability to explain complex problem solution in a way that is easy to understand. Trust me, request Michaelangelo if you can!
Stuart Taylor is a gifted tutor! After the very first session between Stuart and our son, it was palpable that Lucas felt like, "I think this tutor really gets how I think, and what areas need help." Stuart's tutoring has been a game changer for our son. We saw in the two years they worked together, tremendous growth not only in our son's grades, but more importantly in his exuberance for learning! Stuart, I would define as a "savant," a lover of learning, especially gifted at communicating one on one with the student sitting in front of him. Mainly they worked together on Math, yet they spent 30% of their time also covering Chemistry, and even multiple English assignments. In addition, Stuart has four children of his own, he and his wife home schooled them for many years...and he walks the walk; always with a great balance of humor and professionalism.
Her knowledge is vVry diverse and useful.
Kayla has been excellent. She arrives early and stays engaged with student the entire time. Our 9th grader is doing a very quick online Algebra 1 course this summer and has benefited from Kayla’s teaching (using a white board and videos), as well as tips on new ways to use the graphing calculator. We needed a tutor FAST, and Kayla arrived the very next day and has been providing instruction every day since. She is exactly what we needed!
the best
Kelsey is the best! She has been a huge help in our sons success in Algebra 1 this year. Our son recently worked with Kelsey to prep for the STAAR. We just got the results and our son score the third highest grade on the test. Way to Kelsey! Looking forward to working with you next school year.
We are very pleased with Sophia. She is reliable, flexible, friendly, good at explaining concepts, and patient.
Ryan makes the impossible, possible.
Dr Bob has greatly helped my son. He recently made an 81 on his precal exam. That is the highest he has made in years. Thanks all to Dr Bob!!
Wonderful Tutor!
Only had one lesson but so far so good.
great tutor! very helpful
April is exactly what my grandaughter needed for help with algebra, wish we would have started sooner! She is very kind and patient. Kaylee wants to see April every day🤗🤗🤗
knows content and presents it well
Mary has helped me more than any other tutor. She pushes me to be better and notices what's confusing me when I don't. She is very kind and knows what she's doing.
Izzy was great at explaining all my Chem II concepts and helped me prepare well for my exam!