Reviews Fort Worth, TX
Super match for me. Not only for my academics but also an animal lover.
I am more than satisfied with Mr. Beres. He is able to provide me with an abundance of resources from practice tests, quizzes, worksheets, and youtube videos to help with the areas I struggle in. When going over practice tests he does an excellent job in explaining why each answer choice is correct or wrong. He is also able to give me similar examples to help me understand the question better. He always has all his materials ready prior to our tutoring sessions. He is understanding and wants you to succeed, I do not feel embarrassed when I miss simple questions I should have gotten correct. He also provides test-taking strategies and lets me know which similar questions that I will be tested over.
Andrea is fantastic with our son and is patiently helping him learn to succeed in the classroom. He is gaining confidence and his grades are improving. Thank you for helping him grow!
very knowledgeable and patient would highly recommend! breaks down complicated subjects so you understand them!
Very good tutor, was very flexible with my schedule and was very helpful!
Presentation of content could be better if the session was not online but still very helpful.
was able to help me very well.
Mary has been extremely encouraging to our learner and her approach is well received.
He was very knowledgeable and helpful to me with my Finance class.
very knowledgeable and helpful
Very calm and patient, taught me easy ways to solve math problems
Mario knew what he was talking about and helped me prepare for the exam but at times I got very confused and wasn't as sure about my knowledge as I was going in to the tutoring session.
{not commented yet}Liza has been great. Wyatt feels very comfortable with her. Wyatt has a great personality but very shy at first and with English being his toughest subject, it's very difficult to get him to engage and be excited about writing. Liza had done a great job of getting him to open up. He was very proud of his paragraph he wrote yesterday and he admitted he could not have done it without Liza's help.
Lida was great, highly recommend her to anyone wanting an in depth explanation of hard concepts!
So far Liza has been amazing with the boys. Jaydon is actually happy about completing his ELA work tonight. Thank you.
Very good at presenting information and helping with any content that is asked. She was very flexible and never had any problems. She could teach me the content if it were unclear. Overall, best tutor I have had!
Very good at presenting information and helping with any content that is asked. She was very flexible and never had any problems. She could teach me the content if it were unclear. Overall, best tutor I have had!
Very flexible and good with the information.
Very knowledgeable with the topics and knew how to teach me instead of just telling me. I understood the topics well because he made sure I was following and picked up on all of the information.
very knowledgeable