Reviews Fort Worth, TX
Meghan my tutor made a very detailed document on what is hould do a week before taking the SAT, with links to practice exams and to othre very useful information regarding the xam. Thanks a lot
Nashwa has been and is EXCELLENT💪❤️ for Peyton!!
She helped me in all my problem areas by breaking down difficult concepts and problems for me to understand. Highly recommend her to anyone struggling with statistics!
She is good on pilking what to focus on, she karen away easy and makes sure i understand, and I would recommend her to everyone using frog tutoring
We have been extremely pleased with the tutoring provided by Mr. Gregory. We did both in-person and zoom tutoring for two of our kiddos. In both aspects, Mr. Gregory engaged the girls and worked diligently with them. We saw noticeable improvement with both - one in reading, one in math. He is extremely patient and calm, but has high expectations and is no nonsense. As a parent, I appreciated this combination of characteristics. We look forward to scheduling with him when school begins again in August.
Noelle has been excellent with my child. She communicates very well and seems to have built a connection with my daughter that I feel is helping her better understand her coursework. Highly recommend!
Joseph has been very helpful for me this semester. I saw great improvements in my grades after I started working with him. He is accommodating when it comes to changing times we can meet. I highly recommend Joseph as a tutor.
She was very sweet and helpful but I dropped my anatomy class
She was very sweet but I dropped my anatomy class
Very helpful, good at breaking down a problem and explaining it, very nice, good at communication, very professional.
{not commented yet}Great help and extremely knowledgeable! Great!
Jimmy is a terrific Latin tutor. He has been a great help for my son!!!
Overall great tutor and was very helpful. Great attitude and was very generous.
Ruona has improved significantly in Math.
She is very helpful and breaks down the content into manageable and understandable chunks. I got a 90% on my sociology quiz after working with Jahnavi.
Dr Rob is an experienced tutor. Our first encounter with him was phenomenal as he took his time to engage our sons to know their interests and areas of weaknesses and we drew up a plan to get them where they want to be. We love his approach to tutoring and our sons love him.
Bimala is very knowledgable about the content that we had to study. She is very patient and caring, and she will work with the student to get a good grasp of the material. I would definitely recommend her for tutoring. Thank you very much Bimala! Gratefully, Lorenzo Cocjin
We were so happy to work with Kate , she is knowledgeable and helped my son alot.
Alexis connected well with my daughter and helped her immensely in a short period of time. We’ll definitely use her next school year if the opportunity presents itself.
{not commented yet}Taylor was great! He knew material and presented on way that was easily understood. Highly recommend him and I will use him again!