Reviews Fort Worth, TX
She is awesome! Was really helpful and provided great study tips!
Mary is amazing. She has taken the time to contact my child's teacher so she is prepared for each tutoring session. She is on time, and well prepared at each session. Her sessions have helped my son regain his confidence and propelled him into being successful in his Algebra 2 class.
We are VERY happy with Macie. She has broad knowledge of the subject matter and is very engaging. She is extremely helpful and reviews the material with Race several different ways to confirm he is understanding. We are excited about working with her.
When Ryan explains Algebra 2 to my daughter she understands it quickly. He is very knowledgeable and as a bonus makes her laugh.
She was great!
Really really helpful in helping me understand
Very helpful and clear. Understands the material well and organizes it in a way that encourages actual learning.
Caleb loves Miss Ana!
Great tutor!
Great tutor!
Our 16 year old was impressed by Joseph's knowledge. He helped him understand his physics problems.
Austin is a great tutor!!! He helped my daughter with some subjects on her SAT test and went up 4 points and that really made a difference in her new score for the ACT. Thank you Austin!!!!
Since working with Shaffon, our daughter has brought her Algebra grade back up to an A! She takes her time teach step-by-step at a pace that the student can actually learn the content.
My son said loved Mary. He said she explain math better then his teacher.
Bettered my understanding. Gave helpful tips.
She is a wonderful tutor and knowledgeable. She has helped our daughter in her studies. I highly recommend Izzy. She is always on time and reliable. She responds in a timely manner and flexible with her time.
Great tutor very helpful.
Anne-Elise looks forward to learning more info each time she goes!!!
Michelle has been such a good tutor and really paid attetion to what I needed as a student. She gave me good tips, tricks, and ideas. She was also very supportive and encouraging for me to keep pushing through the study guides. We made a plan on when,what and how to study so that I wasnt off track. Definitely will recommend her to anyone seeking help!
Ms. Stokka is an outstanding tutor! Her interest in and enthusiasm for the subject (AP US History) is amazing, and her willingness to also help with AP Govt is so appreciated. She has put a lot of effort into preparing for the tutoring sessions, and my daughter’s grasp of the subjects has improved greatly.